Visiting Professors

Archbishop Arokia Sebastian Durairaj, SVD - Doctorate

Pastoral Counselling

Sr. Navya, OSF - Doctorate

Canon Law

Fr. Wilson SVD – Licentiate

Sacred Scripture

Fr. Lancy Rodrigues, SVD - Doctorate

Moral Theology

Bishop Augustine Madathikunnel - Licentiate

Moral Theology

Fr. Babu Chirayath – Doctorate

Biblical Theology

Fr. George Mangalapilly – Doctorate

Systematic Theology

Fr. Davis Varayilan, CMI – Doctorate

Systematic Theology

Fr. Joseph Aryankalayil MST – Doctorate

Systematic Theology

Fr. Anantham - Doctorate

Systematic Theology

Fr. Joseph Cheriampanatt, MST – Doctorate

Systematic Theology

Fr. Henry Angel, SAC – Licentiate

Moral Theology

Fr. Lazar G., SVD – Doctorate

Comparative Religion

Fr. Biju Mathew – Masters

Pastoral Course

Fr. Dominic Thomas – Masters

Indian Constitution and Indian Marriage Act

Fr. A. John Baptist - Doctorate

Sacred Scripture

Fr. Johny D’Souza, SVD - Masters


Fr. Martin George, CMF – Doctorate

Biblical Theology

Fr. Charles Pinto, SVD - Masters

Religious Studies – St. Louis University, Missouri

Fr. Joseph Neeti Bhai - Doctorate

Systematic Theology

Sr. Dr. Anjana CSJ- MBBS

First Aid and Health Care

Fr. Francis Pereira, SVD – Doctorate

Systematic Theology

Fr. Pushpa Anbu SVD - Doctorate


Mr. Sumit Dhanraj - Masters


Mr. Paul & Mrs. Meena

Family Apostolate

Mr. Lawrence

Street Play & Folk Theater