Time Table

A. Class Days

5.30 : Rising

6.00 : Morning Prayer, Meditation

6.45 : Eucharist

7.30 : Breakfast

8.30 : Class I

9.20 : Class II

10.05 : Tea Break

10.20 : Class III

11.10 : Class IV

12.00 : Class V

12.50 : Examination of Conscience, Angelus

13.00 : Lunch

13.45 : Silence

14.30 : Homiletics (Tuesday), Singing practice (Wednesday)

15.00 : Manual Work

16.00 : Tea, Games

17.15 : Bath

18.00 : Evening Prayer (study: Fridays)

18.30 : Study

19.30 : Benediction on Fridays

20.00 : Supper

21.00 : Night Prayer / Rosary (with Arati)

23.00 : Good Night

N.B.:21.00 Night Prayers on Mondays; Rosary on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Bible Sharing on Wednesdays; Divine Mercy Rosary on Fridays; Personal Prayer on Sundays

Monthly Recollection: on Friday after Night Prayers – First Talk; On Saturday at 9 a.m. – Second Talk; 10.30 – 11.30 a.m. : Adoration / Confessions; 11.45 a.m. : Holy Mass.

B. Saturdays and Holidays

06.00 : Rising

06.30 : Morning Prayer, Meditation

07.15 : Eucharist

08.00 : Breakfast, Free time

09.00 : Study

10.15 : Tea Break

10.45 : Study

12.00 : Spiritual Reading, Visit to the Bl. Sacrament, Personal Prayer

12.30 : Lunch

13.30 : Silence/ rest/ study

15.00 : Manual Work

16.00 : Tea, Games

17.30 : Bath

18.00 : Study

19.30 : Evening Prayer

20.00 : Supper

21.00 : Rosary

23.00 : Good Night

C. Sundays and Feast Days

06.00 : Rising

06.30 : Morning Prayer, Meditation

07.15 : Breakfast

08.00 : Holy Mass in the Parish Church

10.00 : Tea, Free Time

11.00 : Study

12.00 : Spiritual Reading,Visit to the Bl. Sacrament, Personal Prayer

12.30 : Lunch, Free Time

18.00 : Bath

18.30 : Study

19.30 : Evening Prayer

20.00 : Supper

21.00 : Personal Prayer

23.00 : Good Night