Prayer of a Seminarian

PrayerFather, Son and Holy Spirit, I thank and praise you for calling me to your Holy Priesthood. I believe that you formed in my mother’s womb and consecrated me before I was born. You have a plan for my welfare and for the welfare of your people. I am grateful to you for helping me to recognize my vocation to Priesthood as a call to follow you, to stay with you and to be sent out into the world. I thank you for nurturing my vocation through my parents, relatives, teachers, friends, formators and benefactors. May the good work you have begun in me come to its perfection in the fullness of time. Lead me to become a Holy and zealous Priest in your vineyard.

O God who enlightens the minds and inflames the hearts of the faithful by the Holy Spirit, I beg you to fill my soul with your Spirit, empower my heart with your proactive love, enlighten my mind with your wisdom and strengthen my hands with your mercy.

Let my love be genuine. Help me hate evil, hold fast to what is good, love everyone with pure affection, treat everyone with respect and rejoice in hope. Make me patient in sufferings and persevere in prayer. Enable me to rejoice with those who rejoice, to weep with those who weep, to live in harmony with everyone and to overcome evil with good. Help me to put on the Lord Jesus Christ and to make no provision for the flesh or to gratify its desires.

As I walk in the foot-steps of your Son, grant that I may never turn away from the path that you have marked out for me. Let no trials or tribulations stop me from following him. May I experience his intimate friendship in the Eucharist and in the Word of God, especially when I pray to you in secret. Help me to persevere in my vocation and grow in your truth and love. Open to me the secrets of the Kingdom of God as you opened them to the Apostles and Saints. May my lips guard your wisdom. Eliminate every shadow of dissatisfaction and disappointment from my life. Fill me with your joy to be a worthy herald of your Good News.

May I always remain united with Holy Mother the Church and be faithful to your teachings handed over to me by her. May your will be accomplished in my life. Help me say ‘fiat’ even in the midst of humiliations and hardships. Give me a humble and generous heart to love and serve you. Grant that I may bring your good tidings to people who have never heard about you. May I be an instrument of repentance and conversion of heart for those who have drifted away from your path. May I ever live and work to give glory to you, to your Son Jesus Christ and to the Holy Spirit.

Mary, mother of priests, intercede for me before the heavenly throne. St. John Mary Vianney, Patron of Priests, pray that I may understand the great mystery which I am approaching by the grace of God. Angels of God and Saints, assist and protect me on my journey. O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like Yours. Amen.