1. Introduction to the Bible (Credits 2) - Fr. Dr. Jose Joseph Kollemkunnel SVD
This course aims at giving a general introduction to the critical study of the Bible, both Old Testament and New testament. An adequate study is made on the inspiration of the Bible, its canonicity, transmission, and translation. A summary knowledge is given about the texts and the various versions of the Bible. A hermeneutic interpretation of Sacred Scripture is presented. This course deals with how the Bible came to be written, and how various traditions took the form of books, especially the Gospels. The Manuscripts of the books of the Bible are explained. It also gives an idea about the methods in Biblical Criticism. Besides it describes the stages and various factors that influenced the Gospel formation.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: BROWN Raymond. E., Introduction to the New Testament, New York-London 1997. CHARPENTIER E., How to Read the Old Testament, Bombay: St. Paul’s, 1995. DEIANA Giovanni, Introduction to Sacred Scripture in the Light of “Dei Verbum”, Roma: Urbaniana University Press, 2014. FITZMYER Joseph. A., The Biblical Commission’s Document “The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church,” Text and Commentary, (Subsidia Biblica-8), Roma: Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 1995. KIZHAKKEYIL Sebastian, & K. AMMANATHUKUNNEL, Guide to Biblical Studies, Ruhalaya, Ujjain 2003. The New Jerome Biblical Commentary, Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 1994, 1023-1033. MACKENZIE, R. A. F., Introduction to the New Testament, Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1965.
2. Biblical History and Geography of Israel (Credit 1; 15 Lectures) - Fr. Pius Lakra, SVD
The Bible at its core is a story unfolded in space and time. This makes the study of Biblical geography and history necessary and relevant. However instead of focusing only on geographical locations that are mentioned in the Bible the course will introduce those sites and features that are inalienable to an understanding of the history of salvation introduced to the chosen race. Together with geology and geography, some aspects of history of the country, which is the setting of the Bible, will also be discussed. The course will also attempt to introduce the students to understand the topic from a theological view point.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: RENDTORFF R., The Old Testament: An Introduction, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1991. SCHOEKEL L. A. et al., La Bibbia nel suo Contesto, Brescia: Paideua Editrice, 1994. SOGGIN, J. A., Introduction to the Old Testament, Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster/ John Knox Press, 1989. SOGGIN J. A., An Introduction to the History of Israel and Judah, London: SCM Press Ltd, 1993. CERESKO A. R., Introduction to the Old Testament: A Liberation Perspective, Maryknoll, New York, 2001.
3. Biblical Hermeneutics (Credit 1; 15 Lectures) - Fr. Dr. Jose Kollemkunnel, SVD
The course deals with the various methods and approaches to biblical interpretation in the Church. It also offers a detailed study of the document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission on the “Interpretation of the Bible in the Church”.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: THE PONTIFICAL BIBLICAL COMMISSION, Interpretation of the Bible in the Church, Rome, 1993. PUTTI J., Theology as Hermeneutics, Bangalore, 1991. KAISER Walter and SILVA Moises, An Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics: The Search for Meaning, Zondervan, 2009. PORTER E. Stanley Ed., Biblical Hermeneutics: Five Views, Illinois, 2012. RICOEUR P., “Philosophical Hermeneutics and Theology” Theology Digest, XIV: 2 (1976).
4. Pentateuch (Credits 2; 30 Lectures) - Fr. Dr. Paul Bharathi, CM
This course aims at giving a comprehensive picture of the history of the people of God reaching climax in the covenant and commandments. The covenant created the people of God. It comprises studies on Creation, Election, and Liberation from Egyptian slavery. The Patriarchal History, the religious traditions and institutions, the priesthood and worship are dealt with. Deuteronomy speaks of love of God as the heart of the covenant. The religious truths and spiritual messages of Pentateuch are explained.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: BLENKINSOPP J., Pentateuch: An Introduction, Yale University Press, 2000. CHILDS, B. S., Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1979. CHILDS, B. S., Exodus, OTL, London: SCM Press, 1974. CLINE, D. J. A., The Theme of the Pentateuch, JSOT Suppl. 10, England: Shefield, 1986. SKA J.L.,, Introduction to Reading the Pentateuch, (Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, 2006). VICTOR, H. M., Old Testament Parallels, Laws and Stories from ANET. WHYBRAY, R. N., The Making of the Pentateuch, JSOT Suppl. 53, England: Shefield, 1987.
5. Historical Books (Credits 2; 30 Lectures) - Fr. Dr. A. John Baptist
The course deals with Introduction to the Deuteronomistic History; Date and Place of Composition; Editors; Sources; Modern scholarship; Primary history; Secondary history; Deutero-canonical Books; Date and Place of composition; Literary form; Purpose; Structure and main themes and exegesis of the selected texts of the books of Joshua, Judges, 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Ruth, Esther, Tobith, Judith, Baruch, 1-2 Macabees, Sirach and Wisdom.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: ALBERTZ R., A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period Vol 1 & 2, London: SCM, 1994. BRIGHT J., A History of Israel, London: SCM, 1972. BOADT L., Reading of the Old Testament, New Jersey 1984. CERESKO A., The Old Testament: A Liberation Perspective, Bangalore 1996. KIZHAKKEYIL S., Historical Books of the Bible, Mumbai 2007. NOTH M., The Deuteronomistic History, Sheffield 1991. SOGGIN A., A History of Israel, London: SCM, 1984.
6. Prophets (Credits 3; 45 Lectures) - Fr. Dr. Michael John
Origin of Prophetism and a comprehensive idea about prophets in the Bible are studied. The prophetical literary forms and interpretations are dealt with. Essential teachings of the prophets like Monotheism, Morality and Messianism are explained. A detailed study will be made from the writings of pre-exilic, exilic and post-exilic prophets. The idea of canonical prophets and chronological order of prophetical books will be given.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: BLENKINSOPP J. A., History of Prophecy in Israel, Revised and Enlarged Edition, Louisville, KY, 1996. BRUGGEMANN W. A., A Hopeful Imagination: Prophetic Voices in Exile, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1986. HOLLADY W., Jeremiah, vols. 1&2, Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986 & 1989. KAISER O., Isaiah 1-2, OTL, London: SCM, 1986. KOCH, K., The Prophets, London: SCM, 1981. REID D., What are they Saying about the Prophets? New York: Paulist Press, 1980; VON RAD G., The Message of the Prophets, London: SCM, 1968.
7. Psalms (Credit 2; 30 Lectures) - Fr. Wilson Sagayaraj
The course will deal with the importance of Psalms, etymology, how Psalms came to be formed, etc. A study regarding authenticity will be made. Psalms and Poems, Types and Categories of Psalms, their division, chronology, their liturgical character and spiritual messages will be explained.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: ANDERSON A. A., The Book of Psalms, Virginia 1972. COX D., The Psalms in the Life of God’s People, Middlegreen: St. Paul’s Publications, 1984. KRAUS H., Theology of the Psalms, Minneapolis: Fortress, 1992. SABOURIN L., The Psalms: Their Origin and Meaning, vol. 1& 2, Bangalore: TPI, 1971. TERRIEN S., The Psalms: Strophic Structure and Commentary, B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2003.
8. Wisdom Literature (Credit 2; 30 Lectures) - Fr. Pius Lakra, SVD
In this course the origin of Wisdom Literature, characteristics, Wisdom forms of literature, Parallelism, etc. will be dealt with. Fear of God in Wisdom literature will be explained. Date and authorship, theology and doctrine of important books will be studied. Evaluation of Qoheleth, relevance of the book Song of Solomon, role of history of salvation on wisdom movements will be explained in detail.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: DI LELLA A. A., The Wisdom of Ben Sira, AB 39, New York: Doubleday, 1987. CRENSHAW, J. L., Old Testament Wisdom: An Introduction, London: SCM Press, 32010. MERGEN, D. F., Wisdom in the Old Testament Traditions, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1981. VON RAD G., Wisdom in Israel, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1972.
9. Introduction to Synoptic Gospels (Credit 1; 15 Lectures) - Fr. Dr. Jose Kollemkunnel, SVD
General introduction to the author, place, date, sources, composition, purpose, etc. will be presented. A synoptic comparison of the main contents, sequence and message of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke will be presented. The main focus of the course will be on the synoptic problem and how to understand the similarities and differences of the first three Gospels.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: GREEN J.B. et al., Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, Leicester: Inter Varsity Press, 1992. BROWN Raymond E., The Introduction to the New Testament, New York-London 1997. BROWN Raymond E. et al., Eds., The New Jerome Biblical Commentary, Bangalore: TPI, 1990.
10. The Gospel According to Matthew (Credit 2; 30 Lectures) - Fr. Dr. A. Savarirayan, SVD
This course is developed in three phases. It begins with a brief survey of the introductory questions such as authorship, date of composition, destination, etc. This is followed by a study on the narrative progression of the gospel and a thematic exposition of it. Finally, the attention is focused on an in-depth exegetical analysis of the five discourses in Matthew. In the second phase as well as in the third, as far as possible, the text will be read on three levels: (1) Jesus and his audience; (2) Matthew and the community to which the gospel is addressed; and (3) the text and its world on the one hand and the Indian reader and his world on the other.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: CROSBY M. H., Spirituality of Beatitudes, New York, 1981. GUNDRAI R., Mathew, Grand Rapids: MEIER J. P., The Vision of Mathew, Christ, Church and Morality in First Gospel, New York: Paulist Press, 1979. SABOURIN L., The Gospel According to Mathew, Bombay: St. Pauls, 1982. SCHWEIZER E., The Good News According to Mathew, Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1975; W. B. Eerdmans, 1982. NORMAN P., Rediscovering the Teaching of Jesus, London: SCM Press, 1967.
11. The Gospel According to Mark (Credit 2; 30 Lectures) - Fr. Dr. A. Savarirayan, SVD
The course will be developed in three stages. After a brief introduction, attention will be drawn to the main thrust of Mark. This will be followed by an exegetical study of the Gospel with a pastoral concern for the Indian situation. And finally, a synthetic view of the whole Gospel will be in focus with special emphasis on important Marcan themes.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: ACHTEMEIER P. J., Mark, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1986. MANN C. S., Mark, New York: Doubleday, 1986. BROWN Raymond E., The Death of the Messiah: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives in the Four Gospels, London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1994. MARTIN R. P., Mark: Evangelist and Theologian, Exeter: Paternoster Press, 1972. SENIOR, D., The Passion of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark, Willmington: Michael Glazier, 1984. WILLIAM, L., Commentary of the Gospel of Mark, Grand Rapids: W. B. Eerdmans, 1974.
12. The Gospel According to Luke (Credit 2; 30 Lectures) - Fr. Dr. Martin George, CMF
The course aims at familiarizing the students with the basic features of the Gospel according to Luke. In the first part of the course, the students will be exposed to some of the introductory questions such as the identity of the Gospel’s author, the sources he made use of for its composition, its purpose and intended readership, and the current lines of interpreting Luke. In the second part, the focus will be on the characteristic features of the Gospel, in view of charting the terrain of its general doctrine. The Gospel’s special emphasis on such themes as poverty, universality of salvation, women, prayer, the Holy Spirit, etc. will be taken up for detailed consideration through an exegetical study of relevant passages.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: BROWN Raymond E., The Birth of the Messiah, New York, 1993. CONZELMANN H., The Theology of St. Luke, London: Faber and Faber, 1960. DANIELOUR J., The Infancy Narratives, New York, 1968. FITZMEYER Joseph A., Gospel according to Luke, vols. 1 & 2, New York: Doubleday, 1986. HARRINGTON W. J., The Gospel According to St. Luke, New York: The Newman Press, 1967.
13. Acts of the Apostles (Credits 2; 30 Lectures) - Fr. Dr. A. Savarirayan, SVD
The students will be given detailed information about the significance, nature, scope and contents of the book. Its Kerygmatic nature will be dealt with at length. The two sections - Acts of Peter and Acts of Paul will be studied separately with emphasis on Kerygmatic speeches. The Council of Jerusalem and Paul’s discourses will be dealt with.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: BRUCE F. F., The Acts of the Apostles: The Greek Text with Introduction and Commentary, Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1976. FITZMEYER Joseph A., The Acts of the Apostles: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary (The Anchor Bible, Vol. 31), New York: Doubleday, 1998. HAENCHEN E., The Acts of the Apostles, A Commentary, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1971. HANSON, R. P. C., The Acts, Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1974.
14. Letters of Paul (Credits 3; 45 Lectures) - Fr. Dr. Jose Kollemkunnel, SVD
In this course, after a brief sketch on the life and mission of Paul, we will deal with the message proclaimed through his letters. We shall deal with their authenticity, classification, origin, style and literary history. The background and content of each letter shall be explained. A detailed study of selected passages from the proto-Pauline letters will be undertaken. Theological insights in Paul regarding eschatology, ecclesiology, resurrection, sin , charism, righteousness, faith, reconciliation will be studied.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: BETZ H. D., Galatians, Hermeneia, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1979. BRUCE F. F., Epistles to Colossians, Philemon, and to the Ephesians, NICNT, Grand Rapids: W. B. Eerdmans, 1979. CRANFIELD C. E. B., The Epistle to the Romans, 2 Vols., Edinburg: T & T Clark, 1987. ELLIS P. F., The Seven Pauline Letters, Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1982; KIZHAKKEYIL, S., The Pauline Epistles: An Exegetical Study, Mumbai: St. Pauls, 2006.
15. The Gospel According to John (Credits 2; 30 Lectures) - Fr. Dr. Babu Chirayath
The study of John’s Gospel will comprise a comprehensive understanding of the Gospel, its content and composition and theology. The doctrinal aspects of John’s writings such as Son of God, Life Giver, Light of the World, etc. will be explained. Exegetical study of selected texts will be made in order to bring out the specific messages, which John wants to convey.
BIBLIOGRAPHY : BROWN Raymond E., The Gospel According to John, 2 vols., AB 29, 29A, New York: Doubleday, 1979. LINCOLN A. T., The Gospel according to John, (Hendrickson, Peabody, 2005). CARTER W., John: Story teller, Interpreter, Evangelist, (Hendrickson, Peabody, 2006). BRUCE F. F., The Gospel of John, Grand Rapids: W. B. Eerdmans, 1984. ELLIS, P. F., The Genius of John: A Composition-Critical Commentary of the Fourth Gospel, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 1984. SCHNACKENBURG, R., The Gospel According to John, 3 vols., Great Britain: Burns & Oates, 1980.
16. Hebrews and Catholic Epistles (Credits 2; 30 Lectures) - Fr. Dr. A. Savarirayan, SVD
The course shall deal with Outline, questions of authorship and the major theological themes emerging from these epistle will be studied. The Priesthood of Christ as presented in the letter to Hebrews will be studied in detail.
BIBLIOGRAPHY : VANHOYE A., The Letter to the Hebrews, Mahwah, 2015. MITCHELL A. C., Hebrews, Sacra Pagina, Vol. 13, Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2007. SENIOR D. P., 1 Peter & HARRINGTON D. J., Jude and 2 Peter, Sacra Pagina, Vol. 15, Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2003. HARTIN P. J., James, Sacra Pagina, Vol. 14, Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2003. PAINTER J., 1, 2 and 3 John, Sacra Pagina, Vol. 18, Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2002.
17. The Book of Revelation (Credit 2; 30 Lectures) - Sr. Dr. Sayujya
The course will study the genre of apocalyptic literature and the Sitz im Leben which gave birth to the book. The conflict motif is exposed between good, the early Church which is faithful to the Lord and bad, the evil forces of the world. The course will clearly expose the fact how the Good overcomes the Evil through a dramatic way how the author presents his writings; and finally will give the social, political and religious applications of the theme of the book in the modern world.
Bibliography: PETER ABIR A., The Cosmic Conflict of the Church, Frankfurt, 1995; Strength of the Weak, ATC, Bangalore, 2016; HARRINGTON W.J., Revelation, Collegeville, 1993; MINEAR P.S., I Saw a New Earth, Washington, 1968; RICHARDS H., What the spirit says to the Church, London, 1967; SCHUSLER E. Fiorenza, Revelation: Vision of a Just World, Minneapolis, 1991; BAUCKHAM R., Theology of the book of Revelation, Cambridge 1999; AUNN D., Revelation 1-II, WBC, Dallas, 1997.
18. The Passion Narratives (Credits 2; 30 Lectures) - Fr. Naveen Rebello, SVD
The course on Passion Narratives intends to elucidate the passion of Jesus in its historical background and explore its theological breadth and depth. Familiarity with these texts is vital to the ministry of the proclamation of the Word of God, thus creating pastoral awareness to understand human suffering, with its vibrant message speaking to our lives and times.
BIBLIOGRAPHY : BROWN Raymond E. The Death of the Messiah: From Gethsemane to the Grave. A Commentary on the Passion Narrative of the Four Gospels, I-II (ABRL; New York 1994). SENIOR D., The Passion of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew (PS 1; Wilmington: Michael Glazier, 1985). SENIOR D., The Passion of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark (PS 2; Wilmington: Michael Glazier, 1984). SENIOR D., The Passion of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke (PS 3; Wilmington: Michael Glazier, 1989). SENIOR D., The Passion of Jesus in the Gospel of John (PS 4; Wilmington: Michael Glazier, 1991). SENIOR D., “The Death of Jesus and the Birth of a New World”, Currents in Theology 19 (1992).
1. Introduction to Theology (Credits 2) - Fr. Simon Mohta
It is an attempt to explain what theology is. The salient features of the new approach of theology are explained. The traditional and modern methods are dealt with. Today’s features such as pluralism in theology, various ways of understanding theology, etc. are studied in the light of the dogmatic teachings. Theologizing in India is emphasized with special emphasis on indigenisation, assimilation, adaptation, and ashramic theology. Pastoral dimensions of theology with its dialogical and liturgical aspects are studied.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Catechism of the Catholic Church. Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 1994. CONGAR, Y., A History of Theology trans. by Gutheir Hunter. New York: Doubleday and Co., 1968. CONGAR, Y., Tradition and the Life of the Church. London: Burns and Oates, 1964. DULLES, A., Models of Revelation. New York: Doubleday, 1983. JOHN PAUL II, Fides et Ratio. Encyclical, Vatican, 1998. NEUNER, J. And DUPUIS, J., eds. The Christian Faith. Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 2001. PATHIL, K., and VELIATH, D., An Introduction to Theology. Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 2003. VATICAN II, Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, 1965. VATICAN II, Constitution on Sacred Liturgy, 1963.
2. Revelation and Faith (Credits 2) - Fr. Dr. Davis Varayilan, CMI
The study focuses on revelation as God’s self-disclosure in word and deed in cosmic order and life of man; revelation from the experience of the community; revelation as manifestation of God’s power in cosmic events and human history; historical revelation as God’s intervention in the history of mankind; revelation in NT; Jesus Christ as the fullness of God’s self-disclosure; revelation according to early Fathers and writers of the Church; Pauline theology of revelation; his concept of economy of salvation; its parallelism in Indian theology; faith as human response in the process of divine revelation; faith and obedience; and faith and divine grace. The students are led to reflect on their faith commitment in the light of Sacred Scripture and living experience.
BIBLIOGRAPHY : DULLES, A., Models of Revelation, New York: Doubleday, 1983. DULLES, A., Revelation Theology, London: Burns and Oates, 1970. LATOURELLE, R., Theology of Revelation, Alba House, 1966. O’COLLINS, G., Fundamental Theology, London: Darton, Longman &Todd, 1981. RAHNER, K., Foundations of Christian Faith, London: Darton, Longman &Todd, 1978.
3. Theological Anthropology (Credits 2) - Fr. Dr. Anantham
The main themes dealt with are: creation, evolution, and original sin. In Christ the firstborn of all creation, who is the Son of God, humanity reached its culmination and fulfillment. Sin is man’s revolt against God through pride and disobedience leading to destruction of God’s image in man. Through the study of all these matters a comprehensive theological anthropology is presented.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: ANDERSON, R., On Being Human, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982. COMBOLIN, J., Retrieving the Human: A Christian Anthropology, Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1985. FICHTNER, J., Man: The Image of God, New York: Alba House, 1978. KOEKEMA, A., Created in God’s Image, Grand Rapids: Eermans, 1986. LATOURELLE, R., Man and His Problems, New York: Alba House, 1983. MOLTMANN, J., Man: Christian Anthropology, London: SPCK, 1974.
4. Holy Trinity (Credits 2) - Fr. Dr. Joseph Aryankalayil mst
Trinitarian mystery and its unfolding through the Scriptures is studied in this course. Trinitarian reflections down through the centuries are dealt with. Definitions of the Councils, Patristic notions of Trinity, economic Trinity and immanent Trinity, Doxological Trinity, Trinity and Hindu Trimurty, etc. are explained. How theology of the Trinity could be presented in modern teaching is also dealt with.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: GARGANO G. I. Lessons in Trinitarian Theology 1. From lex orandi to lex credendi, Citta del Vaticano: Urbaniana University Press, 2016. RAHNER, K., The Trinity, Burns & Oates, 1986. MARSH, T., The Triune God, 23rd Publications, 1994. AUGUSTINE, ST., The Trinity, edited by Hill, Edmund and Rotelle, John E., New York: New City Press, 1996. CONGAR, Y. M. J., I believe in the Holy Spirit, translated by David Smith, New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1997. HILL, E., The Mystery of the Trinity. ‘Introducing Catholic Theology Series’, London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1985. KASPER, W., The God of Jesus Christ, New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1997.
5. Pneumatology (Credits 2) - Fr. Dr. Antony John Benito
Biblical idea of grace expressed by the terms ‘hesed’, ‘hen’; the term ‘charis’ in NT; the Johannine and Pauline vision of grace; Theology of grace is studied in the overall context of theology and the different approaches to the subject: grace, the communication of God’s life, the idea of justification by grace, transformation of man by grace, the actual life of grace and its importance are dealt with. Teachings of Augustine and the early Church against pelagianism are studied. Grace as understood in modern theology - Rahner’s contribution to the theology of grace are discussed.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: CONGAR, Y., Power and Poverty in the Church, London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1964. O’COLLINS, G., Living Vatican II: The 21st Council for the 21st Century, New York: Paulist Press, 2006. DULLES, A., Models of the Church, New York: Image Books, 1978. DULLES, A., The Catholicity of the Church, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985; Kloppenburg, Bonaventure, Ecclesiology of Vatican II, Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1974. KUNNUMPURAM, K., et al., The Church in India in Search of a New Identity, Bangalore: NBCLC, 1997. SULLIVAN F. A., The Church We Believe in. New York: Paulist Press, 1988. TILLARD J. M. R., Church of Churches – The Ecclesiology of Communion, Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1992.
6. Christology (Credits 3) - Fr. Dr. Francis Scaria
The historical Jesus, his message of the Kingdom of God, his ministry and his praxis; the death and resurrection of Jesus; the NT interpretation of these mysteries; post-resurrection Christology; Christological heresies and the Councils; historical development of Christology; Christology in the context of religious pluralism; and encountering the risen Lord.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: GRONCHI, M., Jesus Christ, Citta del Vaticano: Urbaniana University Press, 2013. BORG, M., Jesus: A New Vision, New York: Harper, 1987. Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, Declaration, Dominus Iesus: On the Unicity and Salvific Universality of Jesus and the Church (August 6, 2000), AAS 92, 2000. Galot Jean, Who is Christ? A Theology of the Incarnation, Rome: Gregorian University Press, 1980. KASPER, W., Jesus the Christ, London: Burns & Oates, 1976. MEIER, J., A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, vols. 1 & 2, New York: Doubleday, 1991. MOLTMANN, J., The Crucified God, New York: Harper and Row, 1974. NOLAN, A., Jesus before Christianity, Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1978. O’COLLINS, G., Interpreting Jesus, New York: Paulist Press, 1983. RATZINGER, J., Jesus of Nazareth, London: Bloomsbury, 2007. ROCH A., Kereszty, Jesus Christ: Fundamentals of Christology, New York: Alba House, 1191. SCHILLEBEECKX, E., Jesus: An Experiment in Christology, London: William Collins, 1979.
7. Theology of Religions (Credits 2) - Fr. Dr. Lazar G., SVD -
The new experience of religious pluralism; Christian attitude to other religions in the Bible and in the tradition, especially during the colonial mission; Vatican II and the post-conciliar Magisterium – Evangelii Nuntiandi, Redemptoris Missio, Dominus Iesus; the uniqueness of Jesus and the unique mediatory role of the Church; theological debate on the theology of religions; Biblical and theological foundation for inter-religious dialogue; theological developments in India – the conclusions of some of the major theological seminars and the Indian Theological Association.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: AMALORPAVADOSS, D. S. (ed.), Research Seminar on Non-biblical Scriptures, Bangalore: NBCLC, 1975. DUPUIS, J., Christianity and the Religions; From Confrontations to Dialogue, New York: Orbis Books, 2002. PIERIS, A., Love Meets Wisdom: A Christian Experience of Buddhism, New York: Orbis Books, 1988. VELIATH, D., Theologial Approach and Understanding of Religions: Jean Danielou and Raimundo Panikkar – A Study in Contrast, Bangalore: Khristu Jyothi College, 1988.
8. Ecclesiology (Credits 3) - Fr. Dr. Francis Scaria -
The NT understanding of the Church with special emphasis on Paul. Historical development of ecclesiology. The Ecclesiology of Vatican I. Papal primacy and infallibility. The Ecclesiology of Vatican II. The mystery of the Church; Church and Kingdom of God. The hierarchical structure of the Church. Papal primacy and episcopal collegiality. Local Church and universal Church. Church and other religions.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: SALDANHA, P. P., The Church Mystery of Love and Communion, Citta del Vaticano: Urbaniana University Press, 2014. CONGAR, Y., Power and Poverty in the Church, London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1964. O’COLLINS, G., Living Vatican II: The 21st Council for the 21st Century, New York: Paulist Press, 2006. DULLES, A., Models of the Church, New York: Image Books, 1978. DULLES, A., The Catholicity of the Church, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985. KLOPPENBURG, B., Ecclesiology of Vatican II, Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1974. KUNNUMPURAM, K. et al., The Church in India in Search of a New Identity, Bangalore: NBCLC, 1997. SULLIVAN F. A., The Church We Believe in. New York: Paulist Press, 1988. TILLARD J. M. R., Church of Churches – The Ecclesiology of Communion,
Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1992.9. Theology of Sacraments (Credits 2) - Fr. Dr. Antony John Benito
The term and its relation to Sacramentum, Greek mysterion and Indian Sanskara. Ideas of symbols, rites. Christological approach to sacraments. Christ’s humanity as the basis of all sacramentality. Christ, the primordial sacrament. Incarnate Word and the actions of Christ as sacramental symbols. Different sacred rites in the middle ages, sacraments and sacramentals. Fundamental difference between Trent and Vatican II in their approach to sacraments. Eastern Mystery understanding of the sacraments. Institution of sacraments by Jesus Christ. Modern theological interpretations. Inculturation and sacramental rites in India.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: D’ LIMA and URUMPACKAL T. P., Sacraments in General, Indian Theological Series, TPI, 2005. GANOCZY, A., An Introduction to Catholic Sacramental Theology, New York: Paulist Press, 1984. SCHILLEBEEBECKX, E., Christ the Sacrament of the Encounter with God, New York: Sheed & Ward, 1963.
10. Theology of Eucharist (Credits 2) - Fr. Dr. Antony John Benito
Eucharist is the peak of Christian worship. Eucharist and Passover of the Jews. Important theological dimensions of Eucharist. Eucharist, the Paschal mystery. Real presence according to the Scripture. The magisterial teachings on real presence, totality and permanence of the presence. Patristic Teaching. Explanation of the terms; body, blood, memory. The historic-theological context leading to the Tridentine dogma concerning the Eucharist. The two different formulations of the dogma of transubstantiation. The Eucharist as Sacrament. The Eucharist as Sacrifice. The Eucharist as meal. Modern insights on Eucharist. Eucharist and social implications. Eucharist and liberation. Eucharist and universal transformation.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: BARCLAY, W., The Lord’s Supper, London: SCM, 1967. DANIELOU, J., The Bible and the Liturgy, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1956. GONSALVEZ, F., Body, Bread, Blood: Eucharistic Perspective from the Indian Church, Delhi: ISPCK, 2001. JEREMIAS, J., The Eucharistic Words of Jesus, London: SCM Press Ltd., 1966. O’NEILL, C., New Approaches to the Eucharist, Dublin: Gill & Son, 1967. POWER, D. N., The Eucharistic Mystery: Revitalising Tradition, New York: Crossroad, 1995. POWER, J. M., Eucharistic Theology, New York: Crossroad, 1967. SCHILLEBEECKX, E., The Eucharist, Trans. N. D. Smith, New York: Sheed and Ward, 1968.
11. Theology of Ministries (Credits 2) - Fr. Dr. Davis Varayilan, CMI, Fr. Jolly John
While being faithful to the Word of God and ecclesial traditions, theology of ministries tries to delve deeply into the types of ordained and non-ordained ministries that are most suited to build communion of communities of those who believe in Jesus Christ. Theology of ministries shall analyze in the light of revelation, the stark realities of India today and provide inspiration to develop appropriate ministries. This discipline shall in particular focus on those ministries that are apt and relevant to bring good news of Jesus Christ to societies consisting dominantly of believers of other faiths and cultures, to communities and individuals who are marginalized and live in the poverty and deprivation of rural and urban areas; and attempts on the possibilities of creating new and creative ministries to address the concerns of a sociopolitical environment that is increasingly hostile to evangelization activities.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: GALOT, J., Theology of Priesthood, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1985. RAHNER, K., The Priesthood, New York: Crossroad, 1973. SCHILLEBEECKX, E., Church with a Human Face, London: SCM, 1989. WISTER, R., Priest’s Identity and Ministry, Delaware: Michael Glazier, 1990.
12. Sacraments of Initiation (Credits 2) - Fr. Simon Mohta
Types of baptism and spirituality. Theological insight on baptism. N.T. understanding of baptism and confirmation as integral rites. Confirmation as true sacrament in the light of Scripture and tradition. Validity of infant baptism. Eastern Christian understanding and practice in this matter. Historical evolution of the rite of confirmation in Latin Rite.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Catechism of the Catholic Church. Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 1994. DEAIDIO, S., Sacraments Alive: Their History, Celebration and Significance. Mystic: Twenty-Third Publications, 1996. FAHEY, P., Rites to Life. Homebush: St. Pauls, 1993. KAVANAGH, A., Confirmation: Origins and Reforms. New York: Pueblo Publishing Company, 1975. MURRAY, B. G. R. Baptism in the New Testament. Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1984. NEUNER, J. and DUPUIS, J., eds. The Christian Faith. Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 2001. OSBORNE, K. B. Christian Sacraments of Initiation. New York: Paulist Press, 1987. PUTHANANGADY, P., C. ILICKAMURY, K. VALUPARAMPIL, and P.T. MATHEW, Baptism and Confirmation. Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 2010.
13. Sacrament of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick (Credits 2) - Fr. Sanjay Kujur, SVD
Sin and forgiveness in the Bible. OT idea of sin – important terms - ban on sinners - sin in the NT. Yahweh’s forgiving love expressed variously. Sinners and the Kingdom. Forgiveness in the NT. Sin and redemption. Some texts about forgiveness in Matthew and John and their exegesis. History of the penitential discipline. Early Church practices - Tertullian and other Fathers – Teaching of the Church on the Sacrament of Penance. Scholastic doctrine - Vatican II and revised rite of reconciliation. Sacrament of Anointing of the sick - Biblical texts. Practice of anointing in the early Church - later different practices that led to Scholastic thought - Eastern practice - Revised rite of the Roman Church - Indulgences.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Catechism of the Catholic Church. Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 1994. FERNANDEZ, D., The Father’s Forgiveness. Quezon City: Claretian Publications, 1991. GRUN, A., The Seven Sacraments. tran. by John Cumming. Mumbai: St Pauls, 2009. HARING, B., The Sacrament of Reconciliation. Slough: St. Paul Publications, 1987. HARING, B., Healing and Revealing. Slough: St. Paul Publications, 1987. NEUNER, J. and DUPUIS, J., eds. The Christian Faith. Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 2001. Post-Modernity, Globalisation and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Bangalore: Khrist Jyoti Publications, 2010. WOESTMAN, W. H. Sacraments: Initiation, Penance, Anointing of the Sick. Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 2005.
14. Mariology (Credit 1) - Fr. Simon Mohta
After Jesus, Mary is both the most powerful and popular figure in salvation history. She is known to be mother of Jesus and mother of Christians. This course will deal with Mary and her important role in God’s plan of salvation; Insights from Redemptoris Mater’; Important dogmas in Mariology, Divine motherhood, Mary’s immaculate conception, Virginity and assumption. Development of Marian devotions. Mary in Vatican II: Co-redemptrix, ecclesio-typical and Christocentric Mariology. Mary as Mother of God and the Second Eve. Mother of the Church and universal intercessor.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: BROWN, R. E., K. P. DONFRIES, J. A. FITZMYER, and J. REUMANN, Mary in the New Testament. New York: Paulist Press, 1978. COYLE, K., Mary in the Christian Tradition. Mystic: Twenty-Third Publications, 1996. JAYARD, S., Marian Devotion. Hyderabad: Shrine of Our Lady of Health, 2007. NEUNER, J., Mary Mother of the Saviour, Guide Books in Theology, Vol. 1. Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 1995. PANTHAPALLIL, M., Mary the Type of the Church in the Johannine Writings. Kottayam: Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India Publications, 1996. PAUL VI. Marialis Cultus, 1974. PAUL VI. Mary God’s Mother and Ours. Boston: Daughters of St. Paul, 1979. JOHN PAUL II. Redemptoris Mater, 1987. SAMY, R.K., ed. Mary in Our Search for Fullness of Life. Bangalore: NBCLC, 2006.
15. Eschatology and Theology of Hope (Credits 2) - Fr. Dr. George Mangalapilly
Meaning and content of eschatology today. Modern understanding of it as the light of the future illuminating the present. OT concept of eschatology in the prophetic teaching on God’s execution of judgement and salvation. NT vision of eschatology as the consummation of the Kingdom through resurrection, judgement and universal transformation (Paul). Development of the doctrine of eschatology in the Church. Theological reflection on the concept of heaven, death, judgement and purgatory. The necessary connection between eschatology and hope and the impact of the former on the latter in our Christian life and thought.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: BENEDICT XVI, Spe Salvi, Trivandrum: Carmel International Publishing House, 2007. Catechism of the Catholic Church. Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 1994. DALEY, B. E., The Hope of the Early Church. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. GOWAN, D. E., Eschatology in the Old Testament. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark Ltd., 1987. KELLY, A., Eschatology and Hope. MaryKnoll: Orbis Books, 2006. KIGHT, D. H., The Eschatological Economy: Time and Hospitality of God. Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2006. MOLTMAN J., Theology of Hope. London: SCM Press Ltd., 1967. NEUNER, J. and DUPUIS, J., eds. The Christian Faith. Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 2001. RAHNER, K., On the Theology of Death, trans. Charles Henkey. New York: Herder and Herder, 1961. RHYMER, J., The End of Time: Eschatology of the New Testament. Middlegreen: St Paul Publications, 1992.
16. Indian Christian Theology (Credits 2) - Fr. Dr. Antony John Benito
The early beginnings: The lived theology of St. Thomas Christians; Arrival of Western missionaries and the imposition of European theology; De Nobili and his experiments at an inculturated Church; Reflections on Jesus from the Hindu standpoint – Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Keshab Chandra Sen and Pratap Chandra Mozoomdar; Brahmabandhab Upadhyaya and the Challenge of inculturation; Sadhu Sunder Singh; Christianity as Bhakti Marga, Christianity as Jnana Marga, Christianity as Karma Marga; More recent developments: Theology in the Ashram setting.; Socio-political and religio-cultural orientations of Indian theology; post-conciliar developments-Indian liberation theology and the theology of religions.
17. Theology of Ecumenism (Credit 1) - Fr. Dr. Pushpa Anbu SVD
The course deals with the theology of the Ecumenical Movement - its origin and development. It also studies the ecumenical doctrine and activities of the Catholic Church like Interreligious meetings, dialogue, understanding of various views of believers - common uniting factors and practical steps to be taken.
18. Feminist Theology (Credit 1) - Sr. Dr. Navya Thattil, OSF
The course begins with a brief analysis of the situation of women in India. From the perspective of women as an affected group, the course critically examines patriarchy, its value system, institutional manifestations, and its dehumanizing effect on women as well as on men. The alternative vision emerging from a feminist world-view highlights participatory approach, caring, sharing, equality, mutuality, life promoting and community building aspects. Feminist Movements are seen as responses to women’s life negating experiences in the society at large. Within Christianity, the response to women’s oppressive situation has given birth to Christian Feminism which includes feminist theology, hermeneutics, spirituality, ethics and empowerment of women in the Church. Characteristics of Asian Feminist Theology, Biblical perspectives on patriarchy, images of God in the Bible and finally the challenges to uphold the sacredness, dignity and equality of both women and men are highlighted.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: RAJA, R.J., You are Graced-Women of the OT, Bengaluru: NBCLC Publications, 1993. SCHUSSLER, F. E., In Memory of Her – A Feminist Theological Reconstruction of Christian Origins, New York: Crossroad, 1983. DEEN E., All of the Women of the Bible, San Francisco: Harper and Row Publishers, 1988. MOLLENKOTT, V. R., The Divine Feminine – The Biblical Imagery of God as Feminine, New York: Crossroad, 1987. MCNALLY, J., Abuse of Christian Women in India – Remedy in Biblical Studies on Equality of Man and Woman, Delhi: ISPCK, 1999. Women’s Concerns and Indian Theological Responses – Indian Theological Association Publication, 2004.
19. Theological Methodology (1 Credit) - Fr. Dr. Jose Kollemkunnel, SVD
This course introduces the students to the basics of research methodology. After explaining the fundamental principles of research thesis writing, they are given practical lessons and hands on experience of scientific research.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: CHACKALACKAL, S., Research Methodology, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 2004. JOSEPH, A. A., Methodology for Research, Bangalore: Theological Publications of India, 1986. TURABIAN, K. L., A Manual of Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, (6th ed.), revised by John Grossman and Alice Benett, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1996.
1. Theology of Mission (Credit 2) - Fr. Dr. Thomas Peringalloor, SVD
What is mission? Mission Theology. Mission as Self-Affirmation and Self-Emptying. Emerging Trends and Socio-cultural process in Mission. Challenges to Ecclesial Praxis. Progressive Centrality of Culture. Development of Missionary Task. What is New about Inculturation? Towards a more comprehensive vision of a missionary. Decree on the Church’s Missionary Activity, Vatican II, Ad gentes divinitus. Models of the Church. Mass Media and Evangelization. Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (G.S.). dialogue with Unbelievers.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: VATICAN II: The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents: LG, NA, Ad Gentes and GS. GAUDENCIO R., AREVALO, C. G., and EILERS, F. J., (Eds) For all People: FABC Documents from 1970-2006 (4 volumes). LUZBETAK, L. J., The Church and Cultures: New Perspectives in Missiological Anthropology. JENKINSON, W., and O’SULLIVAN, H., Trends in Mission, Towards the 3rd Millennium (eds. Sedos). AMALORPAVADOSS, D., Evangelization in the Modern World, (ed.,) Bangalore: NBCLC 1975. MUELLER, K., Mission Theology: An Introduction, Nettetal: Steyler Verlag, 1987. SENIOR, D., and STUHLMUELLER, C., Biblical Foundations for Mission, New York: Orbis Books 1983. SCHERER, J. A., and BEVANS, S. B., New Directions in Mission and Evangelization: Basic Statements – Ecumenical Documents 1974-1991, Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1992.
2. New Evangelization - Fr. Dr. Panneer Selvam & Co.,
Suvarta Kendra is the National Centre for New Evangelization. In response to the clarion call of the Church for New Evangelization, Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) has started Suvartra Kendra on 2011. In the Pastoral Plan of the Church in India, (2013) the Bishops insist on the importance of Missionary Dimension in the Seminary formation. So Suvarta has designed the course for Seminrians on ‘New Evangelization’ to instill the missionary zeal and to lead them to commit for New Evangelization to fulfill the Missionary Mandate of the Lord Jesus Christ. This Course is Christ Centered, with creative dynamics and spiritual experiences based on Scripture and Magisterium. History of New Evangelization, Why, What and How of New Evangelization, Joy of the Gospel, Missionary Discipleship, Gospel of Mercy, Word Centered Evangelization, New methods of Evangelization and Kerygmatic Proclamation are the main themes in this New Evangelization Course.
1. Liturgy: Eastern and Western (Credits 2) - Fr. Dr. Arul Dass
Theological significance of liturgical celebrations. Sacraments and liturgy go hand in hand. They are faith in action. They are symbolic affirmations of our faith content. Eastern and Western liturgical heritages are studied at length. Church is best expressed in her liturgy. Salient marks of oriental liturgy. Emphasis on salvation history in liturgical celebrations. The understanding of symbols both in the East and the West. A brief study of the relation between liturgy, theology and spirituality. A special reference is made to the Oriental Churches in India. Syro-Malabar and Syro-Malankara Churches and their liturgical celebrations. Latin-Oriental relations in India.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: CHUPUNGCO, A. J., Handbook for Liturgical Studies, Colllegeville: Liturgical Press, 1997. DIX, G., The Shape of Liturgy, London: Adam & Charles Black, 1945. MATRIMORT, A. G. et al. (eds.), The Church at Prayer: Principles of Liturgy, vol. 1, Colllegeville: Liturgical Press, 1985. KLAUS, T. A., A Short History of the Wester Liturgy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979. PUTHANANGADI, P., Initiation to Christian Worship, Bangalore: TPI, 1979.
2. Liturgy of Hours and Liturgical Cycles in Latin and Oriental Rites (Credit 1) - Fr. Dr. Arul Dass
The history, theology, liturgy and spirituality of both the rites would be briefly studied.
BIBLIOGRAPHY : CASTELLANO, C. P. J., L’Anno Liturgico, Roma: Pontificio Istituto di Spiritualia Teresianum, 1984. MATRIMORT, A. G., et al. (eds.), The Church at Prayer: The Liturgy and Time, vol. 4, Colllegeville: Liturgical Press, 1985. ROGUET, A. M., The Liturgy of the Hours, Lodon: Geoffrey Chapman, 1971. TALLEY, T. J., The Origins of the Liturgical Year, New York: Pueblo Publishing Company, 1986.
3. Administration of the Sacraments (Credit 1) - Fr. K. P. Thomas, SAC
This course aims at learning the actual administration of the sacraments, the rubrics and very specially the recent instruction of Redemptionis Sacramentum.
4. Pastoral Liturgy (Credit 1) - Fr. Dr. Antony John Benito
The course will introduce the candidates to priesthood to enter into the meaningful celebration of the liturgy. Significance of various symbols used in the liturgy and its inculturation to Indian context will be explained.
1. Introduction to Moral Theology (Credits 2) - Fr. Dr. Mathew V. C.
During this course, we take a brief look at the scope and history of moral theology and Jesus’ moral teaching. It explains the moral law; Catholic theory of Natural law and its modern interpretations. The place of values and norms in moral living are also explained. It deals with human-moral-Person; human acts and factors that influence human acts. We look at human conscience and the consequence of sin. Finally an analytical study of Veritatis Splendor is made.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: ZUCCARO, C., Fundamental Moral Theology, Citta del Vaticano: Urbaniana University Press, 2015. BOCKLE, F., Fundamental Moral Theology, Dublin: Gill Macmillan, 1980. HAERING, B., Free and Faithful in Christ: General Moral Theology, London: St. Paul Publication, 1978. HAERING, B., The Law of Christ, 3 vols. Westminster: The Newman Press, 1961. LOBO, G., Christian Living According to Vatican II, Bangalore: TPI, 1980. MAHONEY, J., The Making of Moral Theology: A Study of the Roman Catholic Tradition, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987.
2. Theology of Justice (Credits 2) - Fr. Henry Angel, SAC
The course deals with a summary of the biblical concept of justice. Moral issues linked to legal, commutative and distributive justice. The concept and issues involved in social justice with reference to the social doctrines of the Church.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: LANE, D.A., Foundations for a Social Theology: Praxis, Process and Salvation, New York: Paulist Press, 1984. SCHINDLER, T. F., Ethics: The Social Dimensions: Individualism and the Catholic Tradition, Wilmington, Delaware: Michael Glazer, 1980.
3. Christian Marriage and Sexual Ethics (Credits 3) - Fr. Dr. Mathew V. C.
The Word of God on marriage. Patristic theology of marriage and the subsequent thinking and practice of the church. Christian marriage in Vatican II and Familiaris Consortio. Theological reflections on the origin, essence, ends, properties and sacramentality of marriage. Pastoral problems associated with broken marriages. Christian meaning of sexuality and issues related to the violation of sexuality and its ends.
BIBLIOGRAPHY : JOHN PAUL II, Veritatis Splendor, Bombay: St. Paul Publications, 1993. ABATE, A. M., Il Matrimonio, Rome, 1979. COLEMAN, G. D., Human Sexuality, New York: Alba House, 1995. GENOVESI, S. J., In Pursuit of Love, Wilmington: Michael Glazier, 1987. GOERGEN, D., The Sexual Celibate, New York: The Seabury Press, 1974. LAWLER, R., Catholic Sexual Ethics, Huntington: Our Sunday Visitor, 1998. PINTO, W. F., Law of Marriage and Matrimonial Reliefs for Christians in India, Bangalore: 1991. SIEGLE, B. A., Marriage Today, New York: Alba House, 1979. WALTER, K., Theology of Christian Marriage, New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1977.
4. Bioethics (Credits 2) - Fr. Augustine Madathikunnel
5. Ten Commandments (Credits 2) - Fr. Henry Angel, SAC
The Ten Commandments are seen as an enduring guide for Christian moral living. The meaning of each of the commandments (except the sixth) and its moral implications for Christian living are analyzed.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: BRAATEN, C. E., and CHRISTOPHER, R. S., eds., I am the Lord your God: Christian Reflections on the Ten Commandments, Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2005. LOCHMAN, J. M., Signposts to Freedom: The Ten Commandments and Christian Ethics, Dublin: Christian Journals Limited, 1981.
1. General Introduction to Canon Law- Latin and Oriental (Credits 2) - Fr. Tomy Joseph
This course deals with: Notion of Law; types of law; characteristics of law; purpose and functions of law; brief history of the code of Canon Law (Latin & Oriental); various literary forms in the 1983 Code; brief general introduction to all the books of the code. Book I: General Norms: Ecclesiastical Laws; Custom; Singular Administrative Acts; Physical and Juridical persons; Juridical Acts; Power of Governance; Ecclesiastical Offices: the Provision of Ecclesiastical Office; Loss of Ecclesiastical Office; Prescription; Computation of Time. Book II: The People of God: the members of the Church: the rights and obligations of all Christ’s faithful; the obligations and rights of the lay member of Christ’s faithful; associations of the faithful; Sacred ministers or clerics, their formation, incardination & transfer and their obligations and rights. Associations of Christ’s faithful. Hierarchical structures of the Church: Pope and College of Bishops, Synod of Bishops, College of Cardinals, the Roman Curia, Legates of the Roman pontiff; Dioceses & Parishes and their Internal organization. A brief introduction to Institutes of Consecrated Life, Secular Institutes and Societies of Apostolic Life.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Codex Iuris Canonici Auctoritae Ioannis Pauli PP II Promulagatus, Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, In Civitate Vaticana, 1983. Code of Canon Law, Latin-English Edition, Washington: Canon Law Society of America, 1983. CORIDEN, G. T., and HEINTSCHEL, D. (eds.), The Code of Canon Law: A Text and Commentary, New York: Paulist Press, 1985. SHEEHY, G., et al. (eds.), The Code of Canon Law Letter and Spirit: A Practical Guide to the Code of Canon Law, London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1995. FLANNERY, A. (ed.), Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Post-Conciliar Documents, New York: Costello Publishing Company, 1984.
2. Canon Law on Sacraments (Credits 2) - Fr. Dr. Thomas Rajamanickam
The laws which govern sacraments will be dealt with in detail.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: CHIAPPETTA, L., Dizionario del Nuovo Codice di Diritto Canonico, Napels, Dehoniane, 1986. KAVANAGH, A., Confirmation: Origins and Reform, New York, Pueblo, 1988. WOESTMAN, W., Sacraments: Initiation, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, 2nd Ed. Ottawa, St. Paul University, 1996. WOESTMAN, W., “Restricting the Right to Celebrate the Eucharist”, in Studia Canonica, 29 (1995), pp. 155-178. LAVADA, W., “Reflections on the Age of Confirmation”, in Theological Studies (Baltimore), 57 (1996), pp. 302-312. Paul VI, Encyclical Sacerdotalis caelibatus, in AAS 59 (1967), pp. 657-697.
3. Canon Law on Marriage (Credit 3) - Fr. Dr. Thomas Rajamanickam
Those laws which speak about validity, liceity, nullity, convalidation, impediments, etc. of marriage will be studied.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Codex Iuris Canonici Auctoritae Ioannis Pauli PP II Promulagatus, Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, In Civitate Vaticana, 1983. Code of Canon Law, Latin-English Edition, Washington: Canon Law Society of America, 1983. BEAL, J. P., CORIDEN, G. T., Ed. New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law, NJ: Paulist Press, 2001. CORIDEN, G. T., and HEINTSCHEL, D. (eds.), The Code of Canon Law: A Text and Commentary, New York: Paulist Press, 1985. SHEEHY, G., et al. (eds.), The Code of Canon Law Letter and Spirit: A Practical Guide to the Code of Canon Law, London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1995; FLANNERY, A., (ed.), Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Post-Conciliar Documents, New York: Costello Publishing Company, 1984. CARBERRY, J., The Juridical Form of Marriage, Washington D.C.: Catholic University of America, 1934.
1. Ancient and Medieval Church History (Credits 3) - Fr. Dr. Jesuraj Rayappan, SVD
The content of the course include the following: Primitive Catholicism. History from St. Peter to Constantine. Church entrusted to the apostles with a mission, spreads in the world, meeting with special cultures; The spread of Christianity within the sphere of Judaism, Hellenism and Romanism. The persecutions of the first centuries and the era of martyrs. The theological controversies that arose in history. The Alexandrian, Antiochian and Syrian schools. The Dogmatic formulations on the mysteries of the Trinity, Christology and Soteriology. The problems faced by the missionaries in confrontation with other religions. The liturgical expressions and spiritualities-monastic and classical. The socio-cultural situations and their impact on the Church; The conquests and missionary activities of the monks. The assault of Christendom and the confrontation with Islam. The origin of the papal states. The struggle between Church and state. Church, feudalism, kings. Different monastic orders and the role of the new formation of religious communities: canon regular, hermits, monastics, apostolic preachers, etc.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: BIHLMEYER, K., & HERMAN T., Church History, 3 vols., Westminster: The Newman Press, 1968. CHADWICK, H., The Early Church, vol. 1, London: Herder & Herder, 1985. JEDIN, H., (ed.), History of the Church, 10 vols., London: Burn and Oates, 1980. HUGHES, P., History of the Church,
3 vols., London: Sheed & Ward, 1948. LATOURETTE, K. S., A History of the Expansion of Christianity, 7 vols., New York: 1937-1945. MAHONY, C., Church History: A Summary, vol. 1, Alwaye: Pontifical Institute Publications, 1992.2. Modern and Contemporary Church History (Credits 2) - Fr. Dr. Jesuraj Rayappan, SVD
The Western Church of 14th and 15th centuries. The Avignon captivity. Ecclesial heresies. Eastern schism and Oriental Churches. Renaissance and reformation. The revolt of the Protestants. Catholic reforms. The war on Jesuits, Assault of liberalism of 1789-1798. The new Orders and saints and the First Vatican Council. The missionary Church, Latin America, India, Far East, Africa. Catholic revolution in England. The Church and new nationalism 1878-1939. Aims and achievements of Leo XIII, Pius X, Benedict XV, Pius XI. Struggle for peace and aggiornamento 1939-1965. Vatican II. Short study of the Church from 1966-2005.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: BIHLMEYER, K., & HERMAN T., Church History, 3 vols., Westminster: The Newman Press, 1968. JEDIN, H., (ed.), History of the Church, 10 vols., London: Burn and Oates, 1980. HUGHES, P., History of the Church, 3 vols., London: Sheed & Ward, 1948. LATOURETTE, K. S., A History of the Expansion of Christianity, 7 vols., New York: 1937-1945; MAHONY, C., Church History: A Summary, vol. 2, Alwaye: Pontifical Institute Publications, 1999.
3. Indian Church History (Credits 2) - Fr. Dr. Jesuraj Rayappan, SVD
The historical development of the Church in India. Origin of Christianity in India and growth up to 16th century. Christianity in the 16th century. Letters of the European travelers. Padroado patronage under Propaganda Fide. Reorganization of the missions, missionary activity. The Syrian Catholics. Syro-Malankara hierarchy. Various South Indian Missions. The separated brethren. Protestant missions in India. Various North Indian missions.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: CYRIL B. F., An Introduction to Indian Church History, Chennai: CLS, 1983. MUNDADAN, M., History of Christianity in India, vol. 1, Bangalore: TPI, 1984. MUNDADAN, M., Indian Christians Search for Identity and Struggle for Autonomy, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 1984. POTHACAMURY, T., The Church in Independent India, Bombay: Examiner Press, 1961. THEKKEDATHU, J., History of Christianity in India, vol. 2, Bangalore: TPI, 1984. HAMBYE, E. R., History of Christianity in India, vol. 3, Bangalore: TPI, 1984. NEILL, S., A History of Christian Mission, Middlesex: Penguin Book, 1973.
A brief description of antiquity and its contribution to the history of dogma and positive theology will provide the background to the course. The course deals with the three main periods. The period of beginning and growth until the Council of Nicea, the golden age of Patrology from the Peace of Consta
ntine to the pontificate of Leo the Great and the period of decline till 636 A.D. in the west and 750 A.D in the East.BIBLIOGRAPHY: QUASTEN, J., Patrology, 3 vols., Westminister: Christian Classics Inc., 1986. HAMELL, P., Introduction to Patrology, Cork: Mercier Press, 1968. HAMMAN, A., How to Read Church Fathers, London: SCM Press, 1993; Tixeront, J., Handbook of Patrology, London: Herder & Herder, 1960.
1. Religious cultural setting of M.P. & C. G. and Tribal Religions (Credits 2) - Fr. Kiran Olakkengil
The course studies The Course studies the complex Socio-cultural context of Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh with special reference to the structures of societies. It also deals with the religion and religious practices of the different ethnic groups that inhabit in North India, especially Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh.
2. Themes of Religion in Context (Credits 2) - Fr. Dr. Lazar G., SVD
Eccclesia in Asia - invites us to proclaim the Gospel in the spirit of complementarity and harmony. It is in this spirit that the course will discuss the religiously potent themes of world religions such as, concept of God, revelation and faith, dharma and adharma, sin and forgiveness, mysticism and salvation. It will also seek to explore in the light of Vatican II, pluralism in Theology and the theological imperative to dialogue at the wake of religious fundamentalism in India today.
3. Action-Reflection-Action Programme (Credits 3) - Fr. Dr. Thomas Peringalloor, SVD
Action-Reflection-Action Programme is integral to the curriculum of KPRT. During the course of the academic year the students go in small groups to the neighbouring villages of Ashta and in the month of October live there for three weeks so as to acquire a firsthand knowledge of the situation and to find out how theology studied in the class room can be translated effectively into action. In this they are helped by a member of the staff who guides them in this process. At the end of the programme the students make a theological reflection on their experience in writing.
4. Contextual Theology (Credits 2) - Fr. Dr. Joseph Neeti, IMS
This course is not a simple mission experience that seminarians go through during the time of minor seminary and philosophy. It is not action-reflection-action programme that the students of theology take up during their stay at KPRT. It is a special course. It is an action-oriented course on Contextual Theologization. The focus of the course is to make the students follow Jesus in his way of life, mission and spirituality. The class room lectures enable the students learn (i) the principles of context analysis; (ii) Jesus’ vision and our vision and (iii) our mission in Indian context today. The ultimate aim is that social/context analysis should lead the students to theological reflection. After three days of class room input sessions, students depart to their respective village panchayats and families. On the 6th, 9th, and 13th (last) day they come back to the seminary for a process of theological reflection (analysis, reflection and plan action) besides the Eucharistic celebration. This course is an integral part of the theological education imparted to the students of KPRT and therefore it is compulsory.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: FULLER, R. H., Interpreting the Miracles, London, 1963. JOACHIM, J., New Testament Theology,1971 Vol 1. SOARES PRABHU, G., “The Love Commandment: The Jesus Way as a Way of Revolutionary Concern,” Anawim 21, Aug 1979. SOARES PRABHU, G.,, “The Synoptic Love Commandment,” Jeevadhara 13 (1983) 85-103. SOARES PRABHU, G., “Good News to the Poor The Social Implications of the Message of Jesus,” Bible Bhashyam 4 (1978), 195-201.
1. Pastoral Theology (Credits 3) - Fr. Dr. Francis Scaria
History of Pastoral Theology - pastoral care and the mystery of priestly presence. Traditional and modern understanding of pastoral theology. Subject matter of pastoral theology. Source of pastoral theology. Object of pastoral theology. The pastoral significance of sacraments. Pastoral problems. Pastoral ministry and the Eucharist. Pastoral aspects of homiletics. Pastoral role and sacrament of reconciliation. Pastoral concerns. Material themes of pastoral theology envisaged as practical theology. Remarks on contemporary scene.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: DUFFY, R. A., Roman Catholic Theology of Pastoral Care, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1993. ODEN, T.C., Patoral Theology: Essentials of Ministry, San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1983. HILTTER, S., Preface to Pastoral Theology, Nadshrille: Abigton Press, 1958. ESQUERDA, B., Pastoral for a Missionary Church, Rome, 1993. LAGHI, P., The Identity and Ministry of the Priest: Exploring ‘Pastores Dabo Vobis’, McGregor, B.& Norris T. (eds.), Dublin, 1994, 22-28. MAESTRI, W., A Priest to Turn to: Biblical and Pastoral Reflections on the Priesthood, New York, 1996. ZULEHNER, P., Pastoral Theology, Vols 1-4, Queriniana: Bresia, 1992.
2. Theology of Catechesis (Credits 2) - Fr. Nirmal Baria (Udaipur Diocese)
Concept - catechesis and evangelization; The History of Catechesis, Various Catechisms, Catechetical Documents, Child catechesis, Youth Catechesis (Adult Faith Formation), Catechesis and Christian Community, methodology in catechesis, model lesson, learning styles of children, audio-visual aids, person of catechist and Catechesis and Liturgy. Catechesis proper. Catechesis down the centuries. Apostolic catechesis up to 100 A.D. Liturgical catechesis 100-300 A.D. Catechesis in life and culture – 5th to 15th century. Post-reformation catechesis - 16-17th centuries. Age of Manuals – 18th to 19th century. Modern time and catechetical activities. Theology is orthodoxy. Catechesis is orthopraxis. Catechetical pedagogy. Theological and Anthropological basis. Characteristics of catechetical pedagogy. Process of catechesis. Brief explanation of Catechesis Tradentae, Catechism of the Catholic Church. Presentation of National Catechetical Directory of India dealing with our context, mission, message, pedagogy, organization. Catechesis in the missionary context.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Congregation For the Clergy, General Directory for Catechesis, Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 2003. Congregation For The Evangelization Of Peoples, Guide for Catechists, Bangalore: NBCLC, 1993. ALBERICH, E., and JEROME V., Communicating a Faith that Transforms: A Handbook of Fundamental Catechesis, Bangalore: Khristu Jyoti Publications, 2004. GROOME, T., Christian Religious Education: Sharing our Story and Vision, San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1980. MORISSETTE, H., Youth Catechesis, Bangalore: St. Paul’s Press, 1993; MICHAEL, W., (ed.), Source Book: For Modern Catechetics, Minnesota: St. Mary’s Press, 1983. Alathara, Stephen, Introduction to Catechetics. Bangalore: Asian trading Corporation, 2005. Alberich Emilio and Vallabaraj, Communicating A Faith That Transforms. Bangalore: Kristu Jyoti Publications, 2004. Choondal, Gilbert, (ed.), New Paradigms for Youth Catechesis. Bangalore: Kristu Jyoti Publications, 2012. Choondal, Gilbert, The Formation of Lay Catechists. Bangalore: Kristu Jyoti Publications, 2004. De Souza, Cyril and Kalathuveettil Thomas (eds.), Introducing the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Bangalore: Kristu Jyothi Publications, 1994. Morissette, Herve, Thunder in the Rain. Bangalore: The Holy Cross Fathers, 1995. Jungmann, Josef Andres, Handing on the Faith. Freiburg: Herder, 1955. Marthler, Berard L. (ed.), Introducing the Catechism of the Catholic Church, London: S P C K, 1994.
Pastoral Counselling -Fr. Dr. Raju Antony
This course is designed to provide basic preparation for the complex task of pastoral care and counseling. The participants will develop an understanding of the key principles of pastoral care and acquire basic skills required for providing Christian care and follow-up. Various pastoral themes and practical challenges are addressed through reading, lectures, pre- and post-class work, and peer interaction. They will learn general counseling principles applicable for the local church based on the integration of theological and psychological foundations. They will practice basic counseling skills and examine models and methodology for counseling individuals, couples and families in pastoral settings.
3. Homiletics (Credit 1) - Fr. Cyril Coutinho, SVD
This course includes methods and techniques for effective communication of the Word of God through the ministry of preaching. Students will be given practice of preaching a homily.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: LIONEL, S.J., HOMILETICS, History and Theology of the Ministry of Preaching in the Church with Contemporary Communication Skills, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Citta del Vaticano, 2014. MELE, J. , THE SACRED CONVERSATION, the Art of Catholic Preaching and the New Evangelization, Emmaus Road Publishing, Ohio, USA, 2013. USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops), PREACHING THE MYSTERY OF FAITH, The Sunday Homily, Washington DC, 2013. Pope Francis, EVANGELII GAUDIUM, THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL, Rome, 2013. PUNNAPADAM, T., The Sermon and its Feedback, Vidyajyoti, Vol.75, No. 7, July 2011. Pope Benedict XVI, VERBUM DOMINI, apostolic exhortation, Sept 2010. DASAN, V., Preaching Sharp, ATC, Bangalore, 2007.
4. Ministry of Healing and Deliverance - Fr. John Bosco
The church in her wisdom and charity provides guidelines for the ministry of healing and deliverance for the protection of all souls. It is a most extraordinary teaching of the church’s weapons against Satan and his angels. This teaching gives awareness, blessings, healings and the power and strength of God for his children who really need liberation from the chain of addictions and sinful choices. Its insight provides student with glimpses into the unseen, the invisible and the spiritual realms. The purpose of the course is on an anointing of the Holy Spirit for the minister and the ministry of inner healing, discernment of the evil spirit, binding and casting out, but even more so, the critical awareness of the preparation, protection and post operative care of those involved in such a ministry.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: GONZAGA, B., Set Free through Healing and Deliverance, Publication: NCO Publication. GONZAGA, B., Reaching out through Charisms, Publication: NCO Publication. Paul, Thigpen, Manual for Spiritual Warfare, Publication: Tan-Books publication. MCCALL, K., Healing the Family tree, London: Sheldon Press. HORROBIN, P., Healing through Deliverance, Vol. I &II, Publication: Ben Books. SCHMIDT, C., Freedom through Deliverance, Publication: Queenship Publishing Company. COOPER, T.D., and EPPERSON, C.K., Evil, Satan, Sin & Psychology, Publication: St. Paul. MACNUTT, F., Healing, healing through Deliverance, Publication: Asian Trading Publications. MAXWELL, H.A., Demons & Deliverance, Publication: Whitakers House. HOFSTEE, G.M. A Catechism for the Grownups and Growing ups, Publication: Sat Prakashan.
5. Ministry of Exorcism - Fr. John Bosco
Absolute dependence on the power of God is the spirituality of the priest exorcist. It is developed through a study of the rite of minor exorcism and solemn exorcism in the Catholic Church. Exorcism study focuses on an angel, demons and spirit discernment. The spiritual foundation from OT and NT is to strengthen and to instill the correct understanding in the student the myriad ways that evil operates in people from temptation to obsession, oppression and full demonic possession. It provides pastoral care to the victim of demonic possession afflicted in body and soul and spiritual warfare from the liturgical resources and equip with them the grace of exorcism within the economy of the church’s sacramental system.
Bibliography : DRISCALL, M., Demons, deliverance and discernment, ( separating fact from fiction about the spirit world, Catholic answers Press Catholic. Com. SCUPOTI, L., The Spiritual Context and a Treatise on Peace of Soul, Publication: Tan. Classics. NAULT, J.C., The Noonday Devil, (Acadia, the unnamed evil of our time), Publication: Ignatius press, San Francisco. GRAZZO, F.M., Compendium Maleficarum ( the montague summers edition), New York: Dover Publication, INC., (WWW. Dover Publication.com). THIGPEN, P., Saints who Battles Satan. North Caroliona: Tan books charlotte. POULAIN, A., Revelation and Vision, Publication: St. Paul. Association of International Exorcists. 2013. Standard discernment criteria for exorcist priest published by house of spirituality fraternal Domus Rome.
6. Indian Constitution and Indian Marriage Act - Fr. Dominic Thomas
Two main themes that are dealt within this short course are the Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution and the Laws that govern the Interfaith marriages in India. The following will be taken for a special treatment: Indian Christian Marriage Acts, 1872; Indian Divorce Act, 1869; Special Marriage Act, 1954; Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 and Religious Conversion & Civil Consequences.
1. Theology of Christian Perfection (Credits 2) - Fr. Charles Pinto, SVD
The course introduces the students to Christian spirituality in general. It intends to analyze the means of perfection experienced and achieved by some spiritual giants down the centuries. Various spiritual movements introduced by different monastic orders, religious congregations, etc. will be dealt with. Spirituality of the diocesan priests and the heroic virtues of St. John Mary Vianney will conclude the course.
1. Social Work: Theory and Practice (Credits 1)
This course envisages a three year programme of theory and practice to be implemented under the guidance of the project coordinator. The theoretical part includes 45 lectures on general idea about social work, social and structural analysis, approaches to development, PRA tools and techniques, report writing, subsector analysis, communication and presentation skills and techniques, project formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. This is accompanied by practical fieldwork in the adjoining villages, and reporting.
2. Social Teachings of the Church (Credits 1) - Fr. Kiran Olakkengil
This course briefly introduces the Compendium of the Social Teachings of the Church and analyses the permanent principles of the Church’s Doctrine which constitute the very heart of Catholic Social Teachings. Catholic Social Teaching is a body of thought on social issues that has been developed by the Church over the past hundred years. It reflects gospel values of love, peace, justice, compassion, reconciliation, service and community in the context of modern social problems. So this course aims at analyzing the biblical foundation of the Catholic social Teachings and introducing the different social Encyclicals by different Popes, starting from Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum to other Encyclicals like Quadrogesimo Anno, Mater et Magistra, Pacem in Terris, Gaudium et spes, Dignitatis Humanae, Populorum Progressio, Humanae Vitae, Octogesima Adveniens, Laboram Exercerns, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, Centesimus Annus, Deus Caritas Est, Caritas in Veritatae, Laudato Si to the latest Encyclical.