March 27, 2024:-
Dear friends,
I am extremely happy to share with you the moments of happiness of the occasion of recreating the Passover Seder at Khrist Premalaya Regional Theologate, Ashta, on 27 March, 2024. We began our program at 6:00 p.m. and the gathering was held in the Refectory of KPRT. The event was witnessed and graced by the esteemed guests Fr. Joseph Thannipilly, Fr. Alfred D’Souza, Public Relations Officer of the Archdiocese of Bhopal, Fr. Jonedius, the Parish Priest of St. Theresa Parish, Ashta, Fr. Melvin C.J. the Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Bhopal, Fr. Inigo IMS, Fr. Prem IMS, and invited Fathers and Sisters from our neighboring communities.
Fr. Francis Scaria, the Rector acted as the Family Head for the entire Seder service and was assisted by three commentators, namely, Bros. Suman, Roshan Damor, and Sudharsan Paul. The hall was already adorned with various symbols of the Passover: the Sacrificial Lamb, the Door Post with the blood marks, Eucharist and the Jesus washing the feet.
At the commencement of the Seder the main door of the hall was closed by Fr. Scaria which was eventually to be opened towards the end of the meal to symbolically welcome Prophet Elijah.
First we had an introduction to Passover Seder which explained briefly about celebration of the Passover Seder in Jewish tradition and how Christians also celebrate the Passover Seder with a new meaning. Thereafter Sr. Merici DSS lighted the candle of Seder symbolically acting as the mother of the family gathering. An introductory blessing was recited by the leader Fr. Scaria to begin Passover Seder. In the Seder there were various steps to follow such as, obligation to drink four cups of wine at different times, eating of the vegetables dipped in the salt water, eating of bitter herbs, washing of the feet, breaking of the Matza, question and answer session, and the singing of the Hallel. Each step was accompanied by praising God for his graces. All participants actively participated with joy and enthusiasm as the Family Head instructed them to do so.
The specialty of the event was that the community family included everybody – the Formation staff, brothers, representatives of neighboring religious communities and the entire helping staff of the community. It was really an enriching experience for all of that we got to know the traditional Passover observances of the Jewish community. This also enhanced our bond of community life especially by sharing our joy with our helping staff who share their life with us in very many ways. This signifies that we are all one in the kingdom of God and we need to respect and show mutual reverence towards one another. With all these new life lessons we hope to continue this new tradition in our community in the times to come.
✍ - Bro. Bro. Manish Khadiya, Third Year Theology
March 01, 2024:-
“You don’t need to be perfect. You don’t need infinite Wisdom. You don’t need endless patience or humility. You don’t have to be a saint. You only have to want to live a life that is full and truth to rise up, and greet your destiny”, says Paulo Coelho, in Warriors of Light. Yes, Small clapping is sufficient to go ahead, A little smile is enough to bring the happiness. In a similar way, every year the Khrist Premalaya Regional Theologate eagerly awaits Meeting with the Bishops of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. This annual visitation by our Shepherds filled our hearts with lot of happiness and satisfaction. This visitation expresses their personal care and love towards the brothers in formation. This year the Episcopal visit to KPRT campus was held on March 01, 2024. The visitation reminded us, St. Peter and Paul visiting the different Ecclesiae, which had brought a lot of good tidings to the Churches. In a similar manner, the visit of Bishops and Bishops-Elect brought a lot of good tidings to our community by their valuable presence and their heart touching messages.
This year His Grace Most Rev. Dr. A.A.S. Durairaj, Archbishop of Bhopal, His Excellencies, Most Rev. Chacko Thottumarickal, Bishop Emeritus of Indore, Very Rev. Msgr. Thomas Mathew, Bishop Elect of Indore, Most Rev. Joseph Thykattil, Bishop of Gwalior, Most Rev. Peter Rumal Kharadi, Bishop of Jhabua, Most Rev. Gerald Almeida Bishop Emeritus of Jabalpur, Very Rev. Msgr. Valan Arasu, Bishop Elect of Jabalpur, Very Rev. Msgr. Augustine Madathikunnel Bishop Elect of Khandwa, and Rev. Fr. Jomi Panithas, the Deputy Secretary of the CBMP were present for the annual visitation.
All the Bishops and Bishops Elect arrived at KPRT Seminary around 10 a.m. Brothers welcomed and felicitated the dignitaries at the welcome programme held in the auditorium. Some of the brothers creatively presented the bio-data of the visiting Bishops and the Bishops-Elect and they were officially welcomed with a shawl and a sapling by the members of the Staff of the Seminary. An elaborate Annual Report of the Seminary was presented to the gathering by Fr. Francis Scaria, Rector of the Seminary during the welcome programme.
After the Welcome function, the Bishops met the brothers in batches. Most Rev Bishop Gerald Almeida, Bishop Emeritus of Jabalpur, Very Rev. Msgr. Thomas Mathew Bishop elect of Indore had the inter-action with the third-year brothers. Most Rev. Chacko Thottumarickal, Bishop Emeritus of Indore, Most Rev. Peter Rumal Kharadi, Bishop of Jhabua , Very Rev. Msgr. Valan Arasu, Bishop Elect of Jabalpur had the inter-action with the second-year brothers, and Most Rev. Joseph Thykattil, Bishop of Gwalio and Very Rev. Msgr. Augustine Madathikunnel, Bishop Elect of Khandwa met the first-year brothers. In this short meeting, each batch presented their class wise reports to the dignitaries. The report consisted of an overview of the spiritual, academic, and physical activities of the brothers. The report also had a few suggestions from the side of brothers. After these meetings, all gathered in the refectory for the Lunch.
After the lunch, the dignitaries had a meeting with the staff to discuss about the future course of action for the Seminary at 2:30 p. m and after the tea break at 4. 15 p. m, the whole community again gathered in the auditorium to listen to the dignitaries. The meeting began with a short report about the last visitation prepared and read by the deputy secretary of CBMP, Rev. Fr. Jomi Panithas. Afterwards, each bishop enriched us with his valuable words of advice and suggestions.
The peak point of the annual visitation of the Bishops was the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Most Rev Bishop Gerald Almeida Emeritus Bishop of Jabalpur presided over the Eucharistic banquet. During the homily, he preached on the importance to become the servant of Christ and obedience towards the teachings of the church. Brothers were enriched by his preaching. A group photo of all brothers along with the Archbishop, Bishops, Bishop Elects and Priests was taken after the Holy Mass. A delicious dinner was served for all at around 7.30 p.m. and immediately after the dinner; the dignitaries left the KPRT seminary for Bhopal.
✍ - Bro. Prabeesh Sebastian, Archdiocese of Kingston
February, 03, 2024:-
Dear Friends, I am extremely happy to share with you all the moments of happiness which we had in KPRT family on the occasion of the twin celebrations - Pongal and Makar Sankranti. Pongal is a festival of gratitude, a celebration of life and a time of sharing. It is the festival of harvest, joy and togetherness. Pongal is a harvest festival lasting for four days, celebrated by the people of Tamil Nadu. It is a time for farmers to give thanks for the abundant harvest and to pray for a good crop in the coming New Year. This festival is marked by a number of rituals and customs including cooking sweet rice, decorating cows and participating in traditional games especially the Jallikattu.
Makar Sankranti is one of the most important festivals of Andhra Pradesh. The festival marks the end of winter and indicates the beginning of warmer days. During the four days of the festival, the people visit their friends and relatives and exchange sweets. On this day kites are flown by the people. It is a tradition that is followed not only in Andhra Pradesh but also all over India. People play music and soak in the festivities. On the two days that follow, Kanuma and Mukkanuma, people feed animals, particularly cows, in the spirit of charity. Mukkanuma is especially significant for farmers, who offer gifts to their cattle and pray to the elements, such as soil and water, for a good harvest.
KPRT family also was indeed very happy to celebrate these festivals on 3rd February 2024. The celebration began with boiling of the milk, followed by the Eucharistic celebration. Rev. Fr. John Benito was the main celebrant for the Holy Mass. He Prayed for the formers of our country and enriched us with his homily. The twin celebration continued with a short video about the festivals of Pongal and Makar Sankranti at KPRT refectory. Rev. Fr. Francis Scaria, the Rector and the whole community wished and thanked all the brothers of Tamilnadu and Andra Pradesh for sharing their culture and joy with KPRT family. Thus the celebration came to an end with delicious lunch prepared and served by the Pongal committee. The whole family expressed their love and joy with each other.
✍ - Bro. Amalraj Anthony Samy (Bhopal Archdiocese)
January, 19, 2024:-
On January 18 and 19, 2024, a joyous jubilee celebration took place at KPRT Seminary in Ashta, Bhopal. Fathers who embarked on their journey of priesthood in 1999 gathered to celebrate 25 years of their dedication to the Mother Church. Fr. Francis Scaria, the Seminary Rector, and the staff members meticulously planned a two-day celebration filled with joy and gratitude.
✍ - Bro. Mekala Kishore Babu (Gwalior Diocese)
January, 13, 2024:-
January 13, 2024 marked a day of great joy for children of both the hostels for boys and girls of Ashta, as the KPRT family hoisted the children’s day. The programme was well planned and organised by the KPRT brothers under the guidance of Rev. Fr. Francis Scaria, the Rector of the seminary. After having participated the Sunday mass in the parish church, the children’s day commenced at KPRT campus with the arrival of children at 10:15 am. The children were welcomed with freshly brewed tea and tasty buns after which the sports and games began with lots of energy and enthusiasm.
The children were divided into nine groups and were entertained with lots of enthusiastic games. They enjoyed all the activities. The brothers too took much interest and showed much commitment in engaging the children in the games and other activities. After the games, the children were gathered in the auditorium for felicitation and appreciation. The winners were felicitated with interesting prizes and the others were encouraged with consolation prizes. Two student delegates from each hostel came forward to express their sentiments of gratitude and happiness. The gathering was graced by the presence of Rev. Fr. Francis Scaria (the Rector), Rev. Fr. Antony Akkanath (Vice Rector), Rev. Fr. Jolly John (Visiting Professor), Rev. Fr. Jonedius Toppo (Parish Priest), Rev. Fr. Melvin CJ (Principal), Rev. Fr. George Stephen, Rev. Fr. Simon Mohta and Rev. Sr. Monica. Each of them appreciated the participation of the children and motivated them to achieve greater heights in the future as well.
Thus, the children’s day celebration came to an end with the serving of a sumptuous meal. The day indeed has created a lot of memories to cherish in the days to come.
✍ - Bro. Simon Marko (Indore Diocese), First Year Theology
January, 05, 2024:-
The family feast of KPRT, KHRISPO 2023-24 was celebrated from 3rd January 2024 to 5th January 2024. It began with the Holy Eucharistic celebration presided over by Rev. Fr. Dr. Francis Scaria, the Rector of the house and the Patron of KHRISPO. The inaugural ceremony began on 3rd of January 2024 at 9.30 am with a prayer song. The KHRISPO 2023-24 motto, “VICTORY STARTS WITH UNITY” was unveiled by Mr. Shibi Varghese, Principal of Holy Angels Higher Secondary School and the Chief Guest of the inaugural ceremony, in the presence of staff members and brothers of the seminary.
The captains of the teams took oath in front of the Chief Guest - Bro Sathish Mohe for the team DEFENDERS, Bro. Roshan Damor for the team CHALLENGERS, Bro. Kapil Dev, the Vice-Captain for the team WARRIORS. Bro, A. Sahaya Reegan, the President of KHRISPO 2023-24, too took the oath in the presence of the dignitaries. The games and sports were conducted during the day (9:30am-5:30pm) and the cultural competitions were held in the evenings (6:00pm-8:00pm). Rev. Fr. Inigo IMS, Rev. Fr. Melvin CJ, Rev. Srs. Navya, Anita, Marici, Monika, Lorraine, Betsy, and Harsitha helped us with the judging of the cultural items while the organizing team and Fr. Simon Mohta were the referees and umpires for the sports and games.
The Defenders were declared winners with 706 points. The Runners up were Challengers with 665 points, and the Second Runners up were Warriors with 629 points. Bro. Tamilarasan was given the title of ‘The Emerging Player’,
The jerseys for the teams were duly ordered in consultation with the team leaders and in collaboration with the procurator prior to the commencement of KHRISPO. Rev. Fr. Thobias Minj, the procurator made the arrangements for the snacks for the days of KHRISPO and the grand dinner on the closing day. A word of gratitude is due to Rev. Fr. Melvin CJ for his generosity in providing the drums and to Rev. Fr. Roshin Antony for extending his timely help in arranging the jerseys for the teams on time.
On 5th January 2024, at 5:30 pm the KHRISPO flag was lowered by Rev. Fr. Dr. Francis Scaria, followed by Holy Eucharist. The prizes were announced and distributed by Rev. Fr. Francis Scaria, Rev. Fr. Simon Mohta, Rev. Fr. Antony Akkanath, Rev. Fr. George Stephen, and Rev. Fr. Thobias Minj duely. The KHRISPO 2023-24 came to an end with the Marian Hymn.
✍ - Bro. A. Sahaya Reegan, Khrispo President (Bhopal Archdiocese)