December 30, 2023:-
The Workers’ Day was celebrated on 30th December 2023, commencing at 11.00am in the morning at KPRT ground. All the fathers of our community and our domestic workers and their family members were welcomed by Bro. Atish giving flowers. The Chief Guest was Rev. Fr Rector. Fr. Rector, two of our domestic workers, Bro. Satish, the General Prefect and a woman from the families of the workers lighted the lamp. Fr. Rector delivered a speech thanking the workers for their generous and hard work rendered for the smooth functioning of the community.
Various games were conducted for our domestic workers and their family members. They enjoyed by participating in all games. At the end once again all the fathers and brothers were invited to auditorium to honour our domastic workers. And two of our retiring domestic workers were honoured with shawl by our Rector. Fr. Tobias, the Procurator addressed the gathering and thanked everyone. In a special way he thanked the retiring staff members for their generous service rendered to the institution. Prizes were given to all those were won the games as well as to their family. Bro. Parsingh proposed the Vote of thanks and invited everyone to the sumptuous lunch prepared by Third year brothers. Thus the celebration came to an end.
✍ - Bro. A. Sahaya Reegan, Khrispo President (Bhopal Archdiocese)
November, 10, 2023:-
Dear friends, I am extremely happy to share with you all the movements of happiness which we had in KPRT family on the occasion of farewell to our newly ordained Deacons and fourth year brothers who have completed their formation in KPRT. We solemnly began the day with Morning Prayer. Thereafter the whole community gathered in front of the grotto of Our Blessed Mother Mary, where a short introduction was given by Bro. Ashish Maida about the farewell day celebration. The main celebrant Rev. Fr. Antony Akkanath along with co-celebrants, deacons, and whole community proceeded towards chapel in procession.
Rev. Fr. Antony Akkanath thanked and offered the Holy Mass for the newly ordained deacons and forth year brothers for their hard work and service at KPRT for past four years. During the holy Mass the junior brothers too joined in praying for the newly ordained deacons and brothers, for their future ministry in the church.
The same day evening at 6:30 pm, a short cultural programme was organized by the KPRT family. The programme began with a hymn to the Holy Spirit, followed by welcome address by Bro. Manish. There were different cultural programmes prepared by the junior brothers to honor the newly ordained deacons and forth year brothers. Bro. Elias George, Bro. Pradeep Simon, and Bro. Uchhaba Pradhan shared their experiences of their stay in KPRT and thanked the whole community. Rev. Dn. Neelkamal Tirkey thanked the community on behalf of the newly ordained deacons and fourth year brothers for their love and support during those four years. Thus programme came to an end with the seminary anthem and followed by Holy Adoration.
✍ - Bro. Amalraj Anthony Samy (Bhopal Archdiocese)
November, 04, 2023:-
The Khrist Premalaya Family was very much delighted to see the awaited auspicious day of Diaconate Ordination of the Brothers on Saturday, November 4, 2023. The KPRT family, the deacons, their parents, and the guests arrived at St. Theresa’s Parish Church, Ashta for the ceremony. Around 10 a.m., all gathered there for the procession towards the church. The ceremony began as Fr. Francis Scaria, the Rector, welcomed and honored the Archbishop, his Grace, Most Rev. Dr. A. A. Sebastin Durairaj, with a shawl. He also welcomed the priests of the dioceses and the gathering. The Nine of the Fourth Year brothers received lighted candles as a symbol of their initiation to diaconate from Fr. Rector and Fr. Vice Rector. After the Archbishop incensed the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, people entered the church in procession. The ceremony began soon after a short welcome to the gathering by one of the the parish council members. Then the Holy Eucharistic Celebration began. His Grace, Most Rev. Dr. A. A. S. Durairaj, was the main celebrant; Fr. Francis Scaria, the rector; Fr. Thomas Peringalloor, SVD, and the parish priest, Fr. Jonedius Toppo assisted the main celebrant. Soon after the Gospel reading, the rector, Fr. Francis Scaria, presented the candidates to His Grace - Bro. Ashwin Damor of Jhabua Diocese, Bro. Arockia Jothis and Bro. Surendra Kumre of Jabalpur Diocese, Bro. Neelkamal Tirkey and Bro. Manu Chacko of Khandwa Diocese, Bro. Sahaya Sabin, Bro. Ajith A., and Bro. Pankaj Kispotta of Bhopal Archdiocese, and Bro. Santhosh Kumar of Port Blair diocese. The Archbishop confirmed from the rector that they were worthy and properly disposed to receive diaconate. After the homily, His Grace accepted the candidates’ promises to commit to celibacy and obedience. During this ceremony, the bishop blessed the candidates by laying hands and consecrating them. Then the brothers received their investiture with a stole, presentation of the gospel, and a kiss of peace. After the Eucharistic celebration, they had a group photo session with His Grace. Soon after the celebration, the Archbishop, priests, religious guests, and parents gathered at the KPRT seminary auditorium for cake cutting by the deacons, which was followed by a delicious lunch at noon. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. Thus, the diaconate ceremony reached its end.
✍ - Bro. Pakkiyam Antony IVD
October 28, 2023:-
The joy of the new harvest of the year was celebrated by the fraternity of the Khrist Premalaya on 28th October, 2023. The day was initiated solemnly with morning prayer followed by the gathering of congregation at the Portico of the Seminary, where Bro. Prem Tirkey introduced about the significance of the feast – ‘Nawakhani & Nawai’, which is Thanksgiving Day for the First Harvest of the Hard work of farmers in Tribal land. The procession was also accompanied by the newly harvested crop carried by some brothers as symbol of new beginning.
Fr. Preetam Vasuniya presided over the Holy Eucharist and emphasised celebrating ‘first’ in the context of spirituality and thanksgiving as it was also the First Holy Mass for him in the Seminary after being ordained as a priest. The Tribal brothers from Chottanagpur Region and Madhya Pradesh region wore the traditional attire during the Holy Mass in solidarity, sharing the joy of their elders in communion with Christ.
The second half of the day was coloured with the traditional cultural programme arranged by the tribal brothers of the Seminary. Various dances of Chotanagpur and Madhya Pradesh region were performed which was the spark of the day. The programme was concluded with the traditional Lunch.
✍ - Bro. Stanislas Lakra (Ambikapur Diocese)