Buds Bloomed

sahaya_reeganSeptember, 10, 2023:-

new_priests_2023The garden of KPRT family once again filled with the flowers by the blooming and returning of the new flowers which had gone out as buds last year. Seven of the Newly Ordained Priests and three of the brothers who had completed their theological studies last year came back to their alma mater to pay back their gratitude to their mother who prepared and showed them their way to their destiny. It was not only the joy of returning for them like the Israelites returning to their promised land but also a matter of joy and inspiration to each one of us as some of our elder brothers have run their race and competed it successfully.

The new priests were welcomed by the staff and students after their arrival to the seminary. They were also welcomed by the community in the evening celebration in which they shared their rich and joyful experiences which they had after leaving the seminary, in the process of their ordination to priesthood and as a new priest. Each one of the priests and brothers in sharing their experiences thanked the staff members for their guidance and support and encouraged us, their younger brothers to be firm in the vocation and form and equip ourselves with the knowledge and wisdom of the Lord. Most of them, in sharing their experiences exhorted us to increase the love for the Eucharistic Lord and Mother Mary as they are the power house to every priest. They also emphasized the aspect of personal prayer as we can experience and increase in the intimacy with the Lord.

The new priests celebrated the Holy Eucharist with the community in which they thanked the Lord for the gift of their vocation and prayed for the community and its members. Rev. Fr. Prabhat Kumar Kindo of the Archdiocese of Raipur presided over the celebration. Rev. Fr. Praveen of the diocese of Jabalpur read the Gospel and Rev. Fr. Vikash Kujur of the Archdiocese of Raipur broke the Word of God. In his homily he urged us to fill ourselves with the Lord, not merely calling, “Lord! Lord!” He also preached about the importance of Word and knowledge of God as the main source for a good and effective priestly ministry. All the new priests blessed the gathering with the solemn blessing as they invoked and prayed the final blessing.

The celebration of the new priests’ day came to an end with the wishing and cake cutting at the refectory in the noon along with a joyful and delicious lunch. The new priests left for their respective places with lots of love and memories as cherished in the garden as they shine as new and colorful flowers that increase the fragrance at the altar of the Lord and attract the souls to their master as the flowers attract the bees. The community wished them with blessings and assurances of prayers for their future ministry and bid them farewell.

✍ - Bro. Sahaya Reegan (Bhopal Archdiocese)

Visitation of KPRP Bhopal To KPRT Ashta

anil_hembromSeptember, 10, 2023:-

Sunday, September 10, 2023 was slightly cloudy in the morning, and it was raining slowly. More showers were expected during the day, as we were seeing the weather. Facing all these difficulties, the fathers and brothers of KPRP Bhopal reached the KPRT Ashta campus around 9:30 a.m. They were given a warm welcome by the fathers and brothers of KPRT. They were invited to the refectory. We enjoyed the attractive snacks in one another’s company. During this, Fr. Francis Scaria, the rector of KPRT, officially welcomed fathers and brothers of KPRP and assured them to have a good time. He also fixed the timing for the football match at 10:15 a.m., for lunch at 12:30 p.m., and tea at 3:30 p.m.

Teachers dayAfter having taken snacks, there was a friendly football match between the KPRP Bhopal and KPRT Ashta brothers. Before the beginning of the match, both the rectors of the communities encouraged the players and motivated them to play a friendly football match. Fr. Thomas Peringalloor was the chief guest of the day. Players were introduced to the chief guest by the captains. Fr. Peringalloor, the chief guest, gave a first kick, and the match began. Bro. Santosh Kumar was the referee for the match. Under his leadership, the match was beautifully played on the KPRT grounds. Players enjoyed their match on the playground, which was more attractive with the green grass and a little bit of rainwater. Both teams struggled to kick goals because the players were filled with enthusiasm to play, energetic and strong. In the first inning, both teams could score. Finally, KPRT won the match 2-1. Both captains were given a chance to say a few words before receiving the reward. They expressed their words of gratitude, congratulated one another, and appreciated the efforts of everyone. Both teams were awarded trophies by the chief guest. The attractive friendly football match was witnessed by the fathers and brothers of KPRP and KPRT and those who crossed the road at that particular time. The match was entertaining and well played. The players were congratulated for their best performance on the playground. It was the first match when KPRP and KPRT played a friendly football match with the ground support of entire communities.

After a half-hour break, we gathered in the refectory to meet our physical needs at 12:30 p.m. The dining table was nicely arranged with different types of food. We enjoyed the delicious lunch.

Thereafter, KPRT brothers took KPRP brothers move around together in small groups in the field, Ashta market, Parish church, hostels for boys and girls, Pushpa hospital, and school. It was also a nice time to be with our own diocesan brothers. Once again, at 3:30 p.m., fathers and brothers gathered in the refectory for high tea and snacks. One of the KPRP brothers expressed his sincere thanks to the hosting KPRT family. Around 4:05 p.m., KPRP fathers and brothers departed towards their respective places, thanking everybody. It was really a memorable day. We will cherish this day. First of all, we thank the almighty God for adding one more day of joy and happiness. We thank the fathers of KPRP and KPRT for organising such an occasion. We thank the games in charge for arranging a decent friendly football match. We thank Food in Charge for providing us with special and tasty things on this special day. We are also thankful to them, who have supported us directly and indirectly to make this day memorable.

✍ - Bro. Anil Hembrom (Muzaffarpur Diocese)

A Visit to the Cleanest city of India

simon_markoindore_outingSeptember, 09, 2023:-

9th September 2023 was the day of relaxation and enjoyment for the community. The KPRT community made an excursion to Indore, the cleanest city of India. The outing kicked off by leaving the campus at 8:00 in the morning. After a travel of almost 3 hours, the community reached Indore and made the first visit to ‘Indore Zoo’, where lots of birds and animals were housed. In the mid of the day, a delicious meal was generously provided by the Bishop’s House in Indore. The vicinity around the campus of Bishop’s House included the Diocesan Cathedral which is popularly known as the Red Church. Fr. Antony Samy, the procurator of the Diocese introduced the community to the campus as well as to the city of Indore. We are grateful to Rev. Fr. Antony Samy made the arrangements for our lunch and travel in the city.

The second half of the day cherished the History of the city as community visited ‘Sheesh Mahal’ which was a Jain Temple, Holkar Palace and finally the beautifully preserved ‘Rajwada’ which is located at the heart of the city. Fr. Rector meticulously planned the day for Brothers as the trip culminated with the visit to Phoenix Citadel Mall.

Fr. Naveen from the Diocese of Indore accompanied the community as guide and helping associate. The snacks and refreshments were provided by the refectorians whenever we stepped into the bus. The day was blessed with a fine weather and KPRT community entered back to the abode by 10: 30 pm.

✍ - Bro. Simon Marko (Indore Diocese)

Teacher’s Day 2023

Teachers daySeptember, 05, 2023:-

On 5th September KPRT family along with our country joyfully celebrated the teachers' day. The celebration solemnly began with the Holy banquet presided over by Rev. Fr. Francis Viegas SVD. He highlighted the valuable role of teachers in society. Further, he put forth the great role played by Mother Theresa of Calcutta whose feast is this day. She was an icon of a great teacher in a unique way to spread the unconditional love of Christ.

At noon, the students put up a short program at the auditorium of the academic block and Bro. Anil was the master of ceremonies. On this day our family was blessed to have three visiting professors with us. Rev. Fr. Tomy Joseph was the chief guest of this day together with Rev. Fr. Jose Joseph SVD, Rev. Fr. Francis Viegas SVD, and members of the staff. The stage was opened by invoking the Holy Spirit with a hymn. Our mentors, lighted the lamp and honored the photo of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan with flowers. All were cordially welcomed by Bro. Kishore and the second-year brothers made us tap our feet with their melodious welcome song. The chief guest inspired us to follow Christ who is our sole teacher and also advised us to become good teachers by imitating him. Bro. Baskar delivered a short message emphasizing respect for teachers who form us through their words, deeds, and lives. First-year brothers led everyone into emotion with their mime which portrayed the dedication of teachers to find the innate talents and abilities of students and foster them to grow in their unique fields. Bro. Arvind expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all who made this day a colorful and memorable one.

✍ - Bro. Baskar Mathias (Bhopal Archdiocese)

Ad multos annos

fr_antonySeptember, 04, 2023:- "For by me your days will be multiplied, and years will be added to your life." (Prov 9:11). 4th September 2023 was a day of celebrations for the KPRT family. On this day we commemorated the birthday of our Rev.Fr. Antony Akkanath, the Vice Rector and Dean of Studies. It brought a great deal of joy and happiness to the community. On his Birthday, we had the Holy Eucharistic celebration in the Morning to make the day memorable. The invited guests were fathers of neighboring communities and the parish priest. The birthday celebration began at 6:30 am. In front of Fathers’ Quarters all the invited guests, fathers, and brothers gathered. Fr. Antony Akkanath was the main celebrant and the traditional ceremony of washing of the hands of the birthday celebrant took place. Brothers Alexander and Prabeesh Sebastian read out a brief biography of Fr. Antony to help us to know more about him. Then we marched towards the church in procession for the Holy Eucharist. The Holy Eucharist was presided over by Fr. Antony Akkanath with an effective sermon. The Eucharistic celebration was followed by a Photo session. All Community Members and guests gathered in the refectory at noon for the cake-cutting. Brother Amit Soren spoke briefly about the goodness of the moderator. Rev. Fr. Francis Scaria, the Rector spoke a few words about the birthday celebrant and acknowledged his valuable presence and support to the community. The KPRT family wished him by a wishing song meanwhile the cake was cut by the birthday Celebrant. The second-year brothers presented a gift to Fr. Antony Akkanath. The cake cutting and delicious meal were the final touches of the event.

✍ - Bro. Dominic Shane Savio, Second Year Theology

Maveli visits

Onam_2023September, 02, 2023:-

Onam is a festival that celebrates the return of the benevolent king Mahabali to his people. It is a time of joy, gratitude, and harmony for the people of Kerala and Malayalees around the world. Onam is also a harvest festival that marks the end of the monsoon season and the beginning of a new year.

In a seminary where all the people from different parts of India live, Onam is also a special occasion to showcase the rich culture and diversity of Kerala. The celebration began by filling Para, an old vessel used to measure rice, by Frs. Melvin C. J, Francis Scaria and Antony Akkanath. This was a symbolic gesture to express our gratitude to God for the abundant blessings and our willingness to share their prosperity with the needy.

Then, the holy mass began with a solemn procession of priests and seminarians. The celebration concluded with the grand feast of Onasadya, which is served on banana leaves. The grand meal consisted of 16 dishes that represented the various cuisines and flavors of Kerala. The dishes included Rice, sambar, avial, pachadi, kichadi, thoran, pulissery, rasam, payasam, banana chips, pappadam, pickle, jagerry coated chips (sharkara varatti) and so on. The feast was enjoyed by everyone with great satisfaction.

The celebration was made more lively and festive by the visit of Maveli, the mythical king of Kerala, who is believed to come to visit his people once every year on Onam. One of our brothers from the seminary dressed up as Maveli and greeted everyone with blessings and good wishes. He also joined in the fun and games that were organized by the seminarians. Some of the games related to Onam that were played in the presence of Maveli were Musical Chair and Sundarikk Pottuthodal, These games added more excitement and laughter to the celebration and brought everyone closer together.

Onam celebration in a seminary was not only a festive occasion but also a learning experience for the people from different parts of India. It was an opportunity to appreciate the beauty and richness of Kerala's culture and heritage. It was also a chance to foster unity and brotherhood among the diverse communities. Onam celebration in the seminary was a true reflection of the spirit of Onam: peace, happiness, and harmony.

✍ - Bro. Manu Chacko (Khandwa Diocese)

Feasts of Independence

vianney_feastMasih_DasAugust, 15, 2023:-

On 15th August KPRT family celebrated two great events, the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Independence Day. With joyful hearts, we began the day with the morning at 6: 30 a.m. Soon after morning prayers we all gathered in front of the grotto. Bro. Simon Marko gave an introduction to the celebrations. He invited Bro. Basker and Bro. Arvind to welcome the main celebrant by washing his hands. The statue of Mother Mary was venerated by the main celebrant by performing arti; then all of us proceeded towards the chapel in procession for the Holy Eucharistic celebration accompanied by a hymn to the holy spirit.

The Holy Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Fr. Thomas paringallor SVD, the Former Rector and permanent professor of KPRT, and other priests who joined this celebration were Fr. Francis Scaria, the Rector, Fr. Antony Akkanath, Vice-Rector, Fr. Tobias Minj, Fr. Simon Mohta, Fr. George Stephen, Fr. Robert Nicholas, and Fr. Saji.

During his homily, Fr. Thomas emphasized the four Marian dogmas, which are celebrated in the holy catholic Church; Mother of God, Immaculate conception, perpetual Virginity and glorious Assumption. Pope Pius XII, on 1 November 1950 declared the feast of glorious Assumption of Mary.

Soon after the Holy Eucharistic celebration the family gathered in front of the Chapel to celebrate 77th anniversary of Independence Day. The master of ceremonies (MC) was Bro. Abhishek Charpota who invited Sr.Licia SMI the Chief Guest of the day along with Fr. Rector to hoist the National Flag. This followed by the National anthem. The 2nd year brothers sang a patriotic song and Bro. Rajesh Ganawa delivered a speech on the significance of the day. After the programme we all proceeded towards the Refectory for breakfast.

✍ - Bro. Masihdas kujur (Ambikapur Diocese)

The Feast of St. John Mary Vianney

vianney_feastabhishek_charpotaAuust 04, 2023:-

"How good is our God! When we can no longer come to Him, He comes to us. You must accept your cross; if you bear it courageously, it will carry you to heaven. Our soul is like a garden in which the weeds are ever ready to choke the good plants and flowers that have been sown in it." (St. John Mary Vianney)

4th August 2023 was a day of celebrations for the KPRT family. On this day we celebrated the Feast of St. John Mary Vianney. We began this day with the Morning Prayer at 6:30 in the morning. Soon after the Morning Prayer all of us gathered for the procession for the Holy Eucharistic celebration.

The Master of Ceremonies (MC), Brother Prem Tirky invited first year brothers to welcome the main celebrant and all concelebrants in the traditional way by the washing of their hands. and garlanding. An introduction to the celebration was given by Brother Kishore Babu narrating the life and teachings of St. John Mary Vianney.

The Holy Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Fr. Jonedius Toppo, the Parish Priest of St. Theresa Church Ashta; he was joined by esteemed priests, including Vice Rector Fr. Antony Akkanath, Rev. Fr. George Stephen, Rev. Fr. Tobias Minj and Rev. Fr. Melvin. Their presence emanated divine grace and wisdom, embracing the faithful in a loving embracing of faith.

During his homily, Fr. Jonedius stressed that no matter what our assignments are, we are responsible to lead the faithful to Jesus Christ.

Yet, the heavens spoke with a voice of rain, showering blessings upon the congregation, which resulted in the postponement of the anticipated football match.

In the afternoon during the grand luncheon in the refectory, the community welcomed the priests present by giving flowers. The Master of Ceremonies (MC), Brother Suman Khalkho, then invited Fr. Rector to say few words on this especial day. Fr. Rector highlighted some qualities of the saint of the day. He said that St John Vianney spent a major part of his priestly life in hearing confessions of the faithful and that, sharing in the Omnipresence of God in a certain way, he knew the hearts of the people. The priests who were present cut the cake together and in the meanwhile first year brothers sang a wishing song.

Fr. Jonedius Toppo, the Parish Priest of St. Theresa Church and Fr. Melvin, the Principal of Pushpa Senior Secondary School, Fr. Inigo IMS and Fr. Prem kujur IMS were also present for the short felicitation programme.

✍ - Bro. Abhishek Charpota (Indore Diocese)

Birthday Celebrations

stephen_inigoRoshanAuust 02, 2023:-

With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation (Ps 91:16). 2nd August 2023 was a day of celebrations for the KPRT family. On this day we celebrated the birthday of our two spiritual directors, Fr. George Stephen and Fr. Inigo IMS together. Even though Fr. Inigo celebrates his birthday on 31st July, but the KPRT family celebrated it on this day. It brought immense joy and happiness to the community. To make the day a memorable one we had the birthday celebration program in the evening. The invited guests were fathers of neighbouring communities and the family members of Fr. George. The program started in the evening at 6:30 pm. All the invited guests, fathers and brothers gathered at the portico. The main celebrant Fr. George Stephen offered incense to Mother Mary after which the traditional ceremony of washing of the hands of both the birthday babies took place. Bros. Atish and Kishore read brief biographies of both the fathers to help us to know more about them. Then we marched towards the church in procession for the Holy Eucharist.

The holy Eucharist was presided over by Fr. George Stephen and homily was preached by Fr. Inigo IMS. While breaking the word of God, father enlightened our hearts and minds by saying that price of the kingdom of God is immeasurable. We cannot compare it with any earthly things. He also asked us to search Christ above everything and quoted St. Augustine, “our hearts are restless unless it rests in God”.

Soon after the Holy Eucharist all the guests gathered in the refectory for the cake-cutting. Rev. Fr. Francis Scaria, the Rector spoke few words about the birthday babies and acknowledged their valuable presence and support to the community. The KPRT family wished them by a wishing song meanwhile the cake was cut by the birthday babies. The spiritual sons of the fathers offered gifts and wished them. After the cake cutting all enjoyed a delicious meal and the celebration ended with it.

✍ - Bro. Roshan Damor, Third Year Theology

Freshers' Day

lector_acolyteNamitJuly 15, 2023:-

Khrist Premalaya Regional Theologate hosted the Fresher’s Day for First Years students on 15th July 2023. Eleven new comers were made homely by amazing and systematic efforts of 2nd Year brothers. To embark the day, Fresher’s Day began with the celebration of Holy Eucharist presided by Rev. Fr. Francis Scaria who inspired the young minds and hearts to be like the Master- Jesus. The day continued to enthral the senses of new budding brothers as a friendly football match was organised between the First Year team and the Community team. Fr. George Stephen, the chief guest of football match motivated brothers to play in good spirit of brotherhood. The Community team won the match by 2-1.

A cultural programme was organised in the evening which included the self-introduction of the new brothers. During the introductory session, brothers exhibited their talents by singing, dancing, comics acts etc. The Second Year brothers took enough effort to telecast a grand show to keep up the audience with Devotional Kabbali, prayer song and other items. Rev Fr. Simon Mohta, the chief guest of the evening-extravaganza, inspired and oriented the new comers in his address. The programme was concluded with a Marian hymn.

✍ - Bro. Suman Khalkho, First Year Theology

Ministries of Lector and Acolyte

lector_acolyteNamitJuly 09, 2023:-

"Called to share God’s Love through the Word and the Eucharist”

7th July 2023 was very special day for the KPRT family. In the evening at 5:15 pm KPRT family gathered in the portico. There Fr. Francis Scaria, the Rector welcomed His Excellency Gerald Almeida the Bishop of Jabalpur and all the fathers present. Then the blessing of the cassock was done. Eleven of our First Year Theology Students received their cassocks from Most Rev. Gerald Almeida. Thereafter, we proceeded towards the New Chapel while singing a hymn to the Holy Spirit. The bishop blessed the New Chapel meant to be used for group mass and personal prayer.

Every priest is called to be a shepherd of his flock. Every seminarian goes through a preparatory journey towards this. On this day the ministries of Lector and Acolyte were conferred on the seminarians studying in the Second and Third Year Theology. Thirteen Second Year seminarians were instituted as Lectors and eleven Third Year students as Acolytes by His Excellency, Gerald Almeida. The institution of the minister of Lector signifies the responsibility of the Proclamation of the Word of God to the community. As an Acolyte, he will serve the Lord by assisting the priest during the Liturgical celebrations.

The solemn mass was presided over by the bishop. During his homily, he exhorted the seminarians to be transparent in dealing with the accounts of the parish or institution. He also said that priest should be always available for the people and he should not create any scandal in the church. A priest should not avoid pastoral work due to his selfish motives.

We Congratulate and pray for all our brothers who have been newly instituted as LECTOR or ACOLYTE that they may faithfully fulfill their ministries and continue to persevere in their mission of serving the people of God through the WORD and EUCHARIST.

✍ Bro. Amit Soren, Second Year Theology


retreat_2023NamitJuly 09, 2023:-

Look to him and be radiant so your faces shall never be ashamed (Psalm 34:5)

From 2nd to 7th July the community attended a retreat preached by Rev. Fr. Jolly John of Indore Diocese who filled us with a new and lasting vision. He spoke about the importance and effects of Word of God. He said that we all should read the Word of God and allow ourselves to be read by the Word of God. He raised some fundamental questions, which are core of the priesthood and vocation. The questions are as follows: Who is God for me? Who am I before God? Are you guided by the love of God? Or are you guided by the fear of God? Where am I going and what is the purpose? How do we respond to the call of God? During retreat every one of us constantly tried his best to give answers for these questions. We felt the challenge’s of loving God and learned to encounter God in adversities. Fr. Jolly John insisted on the importance of personal prayer and exhorted us to “fix an hour of appointment with God”. This, according to him, is very essential in the lives of priests and seminarians. He gave us a new zeal and enthusiasm to launch ourselves in the new academic year 2023-2024.

Finally, I wish you and pray that all of us are empowered and encouraged by these words. “If God helps you, then no one can overcome you and if God forsakes you, who could help you then?” So let us put our trust in God

✍ Bro. Fristo Paulson, Third Year Theology

New Academic Year 2023-24

2023_24NamitJuly 09, 2023:-

After the joyous return of the brothers, the campus was once again filled with lots of enthusiasm and zeal. This year, 11 brothers were added as first-year theology students at KPRT. The total number is 53 for the year 2023–24. On July 1st, the first-year brothers had their orientation program, in which the staff members introduced them to the formation done here and academics and also made them familiar with the buildings, campus, and facilities provided here. The remaining brothers prepared the campus for the new academic year 2023–24.

We had an annual retreat which was held from July 2 to July 7 preached by Rev. Fr. Jolly John of the Diocese of Indore. He shared his insights on different aspects posing various questions like "Who is God for me?" "Who is Jesus for me?" "Who am I for God?" and so on.

On 7th of July, in the evening we gathered together in front of the portico, where 11 of our new brothers got their cassocks blessed by His Excellency Most Rev. Gerald Almeida, the Bishop of Jabalpur. Those who received cassocks are the following Bro. Arind Khalkho (Raipur), Bro. Ashish Maida (Jhabua), Bro. Baskar M (Bhopal), Bro. Kishore Babu (Gwalior), Bro. Masihdas Kujur (Ambikapur), Bro. Prem Tirkey (Raipur), Bro. Rajesh Ganawa (Jhabua), Bro. Roshan Tirkey (Jashpur), Bro. Simon Marko (Indore), Bro. Suman Khalkho (Bhopal), and Bro. Tamilarasan (Bhopal).

After the vestition, we proceeded towards the new chapel for its blessing. Then we entered the main chapel, and during the Holy Mass we had the conferring of the Ministries of Lector and Acolyte by His Excellency Most Rev. Gerald Almeida, the Bishop of Jabalpur. Those who received the ministry of Lector are the following: Bro. Abhishek Charpota (Indore), Bro. Albin Lukose (Khandwa), Bro. Alexander (Port Blair), Bro. Amit Bhuriya (Jhabua), Bro. Amit Soren (Muzaffarpur), Bro. Anil Hembroom (Muzaffarpur), Bro. Arockiadas Michaelraj (IVD), Bro. Atish Bhumij Munda (IMS), Bro. Dominic Savio (IVD), Bro. Kapil Dev (Gwalior), Bro. Manish Khadiya (Jhabua), Bro. Pakkiyam Anthony (IVD) and Bro. Parsingh Damor (Udaipur). Those who have received the ministry of Acolyte are the following: Bro. Amalraj A. (Bhopal ), Bro. Arputha Vinish (Khandwa), Bro. Arumalla Thomas (IVD), Bro. Fristo Paulson (Indore), Bro. Jaiman Kerketta (Port Blair), Bro. Namit Tigga (Bhopal), Bro. Pradeep Simon (Bhagalpur), Bro. Roshan Damor (Jhabua), Bro. Sahaya Reegan (Bhopal), Bro. Satish Mohe (Khandwa), and Bro. Stanislas Lakra (Ambikapur). Bishop Gerald Almeida instructed all the brothers in the homily about the challenges that they will definitely be undergoing, and he made them aware of the need to be prepared.

On July 8, we had the inauguration of the new Formation and Academic Year 2023–24. We gathered in front of the academic block and marched towards the chapel in procession for the Eucharistic celebration which was presided over by His Excellency Most Rev. Gerald Almeida, the Bishop of Jabalpur.

Bishop Gerald declared the New Academic Year open. In his message, he emphasized the Eucharist which builds the community. Rev. Fr. Simon Mohta welcomed all the invited guests. Rev. Fr. Antony Akkanath, the Dean of Studies and Vice Rector, presented the academic report for 2022–23.

The Lectio Brevis was presented Rev. Fr. Dr. Thomas Philip. The theme was "The Joy of Priesthood: A Spiritual Awakening.” He stated that the spiritual life of a priest is the key to his happiness. He spoke about the scandals and their impact on the Catholic Church. After the presentation, the floor was open for the clarification of various doubts.

✍ Bro. Kapil Dev, Second Year Theology