Workers Day at KPRT

workersashwin_damore28 December, 2022:-

C“The miracle is not that we do this work but that we are happy to do it.” -Mother Teresa

God created every person unique in order to help one another to fulfill the needs. Therefore, everyone is entrusted with certain duties and responsibilities. Similarly, workers day is set to celebrate the hard work and achievements of people. This is one day that is entirely devoted to the workers. Many countries celebrate this day on a different day. KPRT family also celebrates workers day by gratefully remembering their contribution to the community. We address them as supporting staff and consider them as members of our family. They are the ones who make our day and work easy. Therefore, tradionally, we set apart a day for them to pray for them and to celebrate our joy with their family members.

For the last two years we did not have a chance to celebrate this event mainly due to COVID-19. However this year we decided to celebrate it on 28th December. So, the day began with the Eucharistic celebration, thanking God for the gift of supporting staff and praying for each of their good health and their family members.

We extended our invitation to all the family members of the supporting staff. We conducted games, distributed prizes. KPRT family also gave special gifts to each one of them as an expression of love and solidarity.

Brothers expressed their love and joy towards them by taking up their works for a day and declared holiday for them. Thus, the celebration ended with a delicious meal prepared by brothers.

✍ Bro. Ashwin Damor, Third year Theology

Joy to the World

christmasFristo_Paulson25 December, 2022:-

Christmas presents a hopeful history of humankind. Christmas is a joyful time. Many past events – good or bad - are recorded. Those histories are not just for name sake rather they are to be read and evaluated again and again. It will make the events better, our lives more meaningful.

Christmas Preparation at KPRT

“It’s only when we forget ourselves that we do the things that deserve to be remembered”, says Rick Warren. On 17th December KPRT brothers were divided into different groups to clean and beatify the campus for Christmas Eve. It was then a time of hard work and everybody co-operated with the time table. The brothers enthusiastically contributed their holidays.

Christmas Celebration at KPRT

On 25th December KPRT family celebrated the nativity of our Lord. Christmas is a joyful celebration of the fulfillment of God’s promises to humanity and the expression of love, mercy and compassion. This great reality once again rejuvenated KPRT family. The important event of the day at KPRT family was the entire salvation history presented on flex-boards in the campus in a kind of exhibition. Many people walked into our campus and they learnt something about nativity of Christ and salvific plan of God for humanity. The brothers made themselves available to the visitors and answered their queries.

Let’s be united in God’s steadfast love through our words and deeds. Really, it was a golden opportunity for us to express God’s love to one another. I express my sincere gratitude to Fr. Francis Scaria, the Rector of KPRT and all the staff members for their constant support and guidance and for providing umpteen opportunities of growth. I also thank all my brothers who contributed their valuable time to make this day a meaningful one.

✍ Bro. Fristo Paulson Chowallur, Second year Theology

KPRT Bible Quiz 2022

bible_quizsavarimuthu_anthoniraj03 December, 2022:-

T“he Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ” says St. Jerome. The KPRT Community organized Bible Quiz Competition for the Brothers to encourage them to have deeper knowledge on the Word of God. Rev. Fr. Antony Akkanath planned meticulously for the Success of this Bible Quiz. He announced about this event three months in advance, and sufficient time was given. Three books of the Bible (Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) were taken for the quiz. The competition was conducted in two phases. The first phase was in written format and it was organized for all the brothers in the Community. It was held on November 6th 2022 commencing at 8.30pm. 25 top scorers were eligible for the second round of the written quiz. Out of 25, only 7 Brothers qualified for the Second Phase.

In the second phase, the Audio Visual Bible Quiz Finale was held on 11th November 2022 from 8.45 to 10.15pm. Brothers Stalin, Joyal, Sabin, Namit, Roshan, Thomas and Kapil were chosen. The First round of the Quiz consisted of 7 questions to each participant. Only 3 brothers were qualified for the Final Round.

Bro. Thomas Arumalla won the first prize of ₹3,000/-. The second prize of ₹2,000/- went to Bro. Roshan Damor and the third prize of ₹1,000/- to Bro. Stalin Callistus. The audience were kept active with some surprise questions and they too were given prizes. The prizes were distributed on 3rd December by Most. Rev. Bishop Chacko Thottumarickal, Bishop of Indore Diocese.

CONGRATULATIONS to the winners and all the participants for showing their love for the Word of God through their active participation. Special thanks to Fr. Rector and Fr. Simon Mohta for being moderators for the Audio Visual Bible Quiz Finale. Once again we express our sincere gratitude to Fr. Antony Akkanath for making this grand event successful and memorable one for the Brothers.

🖋️ Bro. Savarimuthu Anthoniraj, Third Year Theology

Showers of Blessings…..

New Prieststhomas_arumalla03 December, 2022:-

Statues in catholic tradition are like windows to heaven which help us to pray in a more devotional way, says Fr.Ashley, a priest from the USA. Indeed it's true in our own experience. We are moved or inspired by the presence of the statues of Jesus, Mary and saints to feel a spiritual thrust in the heart and to converse with God. Hence this day became a historic moment that filled the hearts of the KPRT family with immense joy to see the statues of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. John Mary Vianney, each one 6 feet high, were elevated and blessed in the KPRT campus by His Excellency, Most Rev. Dr. Chacko Thottumarickal, the Bishop of Indore.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is the Patron Saint of KPRT under whose care and blessing the formation of the brothers takes place. Therefore the statue of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is placed over the residential block of the students in a beautifully built alcove. And on the other side St. John Mary Vianney being the Patron Saint of all the priests is placed in a recess constructed on the academic block, as all the students are pursuing their studies in KPRT with a single aim to serve the Lord as priests in His Holy Catholic Church.

The day was well planned by the staff. His Excellency, Most. Rev. Dr. Chacko Thottumarickal presided over the blessing of the statues which was followed by the blessing of the whole KPRT campus. After the showers of Blessings on the KPRT at 11.00 am the Eucharistic celebration was begun by His Excellency, Most Rev. Dr. Chacko Thottumarickal, together with the staff fathers and fathers from neighboring communities. Our joy was multiplied by the presence of the Sisters from SJC, and OLG and also by the presence of the men who constructed and painted both the alcoves. Being the day of the feast of St. Francis Xavier, Bishop Chacko, in his homily, stressed the necessity of being a missionary, the call to which we received at our baptism. He also mentioned the important role of prayer as part of the missionary activity as it can change the lives of many. Thus he encouraged everyone to pray in our hearts for our friends who do not know Christ. To conclude, indeed it was a day when God showered his blessings on KPRT campus' every nook and corner. And the hearts of the KPRT family are raised towards heaven to thank God for his blessings.

🖋️ Bro. Thomas Arumalla IVD, Second Year Theology

New Priests' Day

New PriestsMichael D'Souza12 November, 2022:-

A priest is a lover of God and a lover of men. A Priest is called to be a holy man and is expected to walk before the face of the Holy One. A priest is called to understand all things and to forgive everyone. The heart of a priest is pierced like that of Christ, with the lance of love. The heart of a priest is open, like that of Christ, for the whole world, to walk through. The heart of a priest is a vessel of compassion, a chalice of love, and a trysting place of human and divine love. A priest is a man whose goal is to be another Christ. He lives to serve. A Priest is a man who crucifies himself, so that he too may be lifted up and may draw all people to Christ. A priest is a man in love with God. A priest is a gift of God to men and of men to God. A priest is the symbol of the Word made flesh. He is the naked sword of God’s justice and a hand of God’s mercy. A priest is the reflection of God’s love. Nothing can be greater in this world than a priest, nothing but God Himself.

And indeed we, the KPRT family was very much overwhelmed to see a few of its buds that now blooming in the garden of Church as Priests. 18th November, 2022 was a day on which the KPRT family welcomed its former students who are now priests. It was a day dedicated for the new priests who passed out from KPRT. On this beautiful day at 6:00 pm we had a cultural evening organized by the KPRT staff and students. The Chief Guest was Fr. Francis Scaria, the Rector of the KPRT. In honour of the newly ordained priests, the brothers of KPRT put forth their various talents in Singing, Dancing and Performing a Skit as a token of love for their senior brothers who were once here with them. There were five newly ordained priests and another waiting to be ordained. The most important part of the program was the sharing of their experiences in their new mission field as new Priests. They inspired and motivated their younger brothers through their sharing. Besides, they also gave some tips to be happy and successful in the ministry. Their sincere sharing was well received and appreciated by the brothers of KPRT. The presence of the newly ordained priests in the campus has encouraged them to move towards the altar of God more firmly and with greater enthusiasm. The program went on till 7.30 pm after which we had adoration followed by supper.

On the following day, 19th November in the morning after Morning Prayer we had Eucharistic celebration at 7:00 am. We gathered in the portico where the new priests were officially welcomed and garlanded by Fr. Francis Scaria and other members of the Staff. Then we went to the Church in a procession. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Fr. Piyarsai Ekka. Fr. Antony Akkanath, the Director of Studies introduced the Liturgy and the homily was given by Fr. John Pramod. After the mass we had a photo session which was followed by breakfast. Around 9:30 am we once again came together to listen to the experiences of the new priests. After listening to all the priests and the brother of the same batch we came to the end of the program. At the end of the program Fr. Francis Scaria, the Rector and the Chief Guest of the day handed over the Ordination gifts to all the new priests who participated in the program. The program was wound up with a Marian hymn followed by a sumptuous lunch. We wish these new priest a fruitful ministry in the vineyard of the Lord.

🖋️ Bro. Michael D'Souza, Third Year Theology

Joy of Journey

picnicNishant_Nimal05 November, 2022:-

“Unless you are at a picnic, life is not a picnic”. It is all about the journey that KPRT family began on November 5th 2022 at 8.00 a. m with prayerful lips and joyful hearts. The picnic locations were Udayagiri Caves near Vidisha and Buddhist monuments at Sanchi in Madhya Pradesh. Both these places are historically very significant. Looking forward through the front glass of the tourist bus we all travelled nearly three hours with an enthusiastic vibe to visit these historical places of India.

To say something about these places - the Udayagiri Caves are twenty rock-cut caves near Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh from the early years of the fifth century CE. They contain some of the oldest surviving Hindu and Jain temples and Iconography in India. They are the only site that can be verifiably associated with a Gupta period monarch from its inscription. These caves are one of India’s most important archeological sites.

Sanchi is a Buddhist complex, famous for its great stupas, on a hilltop at Sanchi town in Raisen District of the state of Madhya Pradesh. The Indian 200 Rupees currency has motif of “Sanchi Stupa” on the reverse side, depicting the country’s cultural heritage. Both Udayagiri caves and Sanchi stupas are protected monuments managed by the archeological survey of India.

Within one hour we all made a detailed glancing in and around 20 caves and some of us captured each location in our cameras. Thereafter we visited St. Mary’s Church, Vidisha of the diocese of Sagar. It was a welcoming atmosphere built by Fr. Selvichan John, the Parish Priest and Fr. Freejo. We had a delicious lunch from there prepared by them with the help of some parishioners. We expressed our joy and happiness through a couple of thankful words.

After having lunch, by 2.30 pm we left for Sanchi. And again the bus was filled with joy and happiness. As the bus started to discover the hill top we realized that we are at the location. We then walked into the premises of Buddhist monuments. We scattered around the place and each one had one’s own aesthetics to enjoy. After having spent almost one hour we returned. We concluded the picnic with a thankful heart by reciting the Rosary. And we reached back to the seminary at 7.30 pm.

🖋️ Bro. Nishant Nimal, Fourth Year Theology

Diaconate Ordination

missionJoyal_Peter29 October, 2022:-

It was a joyful occasion for the KPRT family, as six of our brothers were ordained as deacons on 29th of October. The ceremony of the diaconate ordination commenced at 10:00 am with a solemn Holy Eucharist led by Archbishop Most Rev. Dr. A.A.S. Durairaj SVD, The Archbishop of Bhopal. “I am among you as one who serves” was the theme chosen by the deacons. During the homily, the Archbishop instructed the deacons about their duties and responsibilities and encouraged them to be the messengers of the Word of God. In the presence of many priests, religious and family members, the deacons committed themselves completely to the service of God. The newly ordained deacons are Dn. Roshan Lukas Kerketta of Gwalior Diocese, Dn. Asim Minj of Jhabua Diocese, Dn. Pravin Raj of Jabalpur Diocese and Dn. Prabhat Kumar, Dn. Rohit Minj and Dn. Vikas Kujur of Raipur Archdiocese.

After the Holy Eucharist on behalf of the the deacons, Dn. Prabhat Kumar proposed their heartfelt thanks to each and everyone and praised the Almighty for his blessings.

With heartfelt joy we congratulate and pray for all the deacons that they may totally imitate Christ in love and service and remain faithful to Him throughout their lives.

🖋️ Br. Joyal Peter, Fourth Year Theology