Mar Ephrem Nariculam at KPRT

teachers_day21 September, 2022:-

Mar Ephrem Nariculam of Syro-Malabar Eparchy of Chanda visited Khrist Premalaya Regional Theologate, Ashta on September 21,2022. While talking to the staff and students of the Seminary, he exhorted the candidates to priesthood to be faithful to the call that they received from the Lord and to respond to every invitation of the Lord in their day-to-day life.

It is heart-warming to note that Bishop Nariculam closely follows the formation of the seminarians of his eparchy trained in various seminaries and keeps himself updated regularly with their progress.

Mission for Mission

missionXavier Khadiya11 September, 2022:-

“Do not close your hand to someone in need” (Deuteronomy 15:7) The universal Church celebrates the world mission Sunday on the second last Sunday in the month of October. This year, it is celebrated on 23rd October 2022. In 1926, Pope Pius XI instituted world mission Sunday to be celebrated in all the local Churches as the feast of catholicity and universal solidarity, so that Christians may recognize their common responsibility with regards to the evangelization of the world through prayers, animations and offerings for the mission.

Every year we, the Khrist Premalaya Regional Theologate Family, Ashta also organize the mission month programme in honour of mission Sunday in our seminary. We had anticipated and inaugurated mission month programme on 5th September to close on 26th September 2022. This year, the theme for the mission Sunday in our Seminary was “Mission for the Mission”. Rev. Fr. Francis Scaria, the Rector, Patron of the mission month, declared mission month open during the Holy Eucharistic celebration held on 5th September. Fr. Rector broke the Word of God for us and he preached about the mission Sunday and highlighted saying, many men and women, and many young people, have generously sacrificed themselves, out of love for the Gospel and service to their brothers and sisters. Therefore, Self-sacrifice is one of the important aspects of the mission of Christ. The zeal for mission must flow from within. He encouraged the community to participate cheerfully in contributing for the mission.

The organizing committee arranged for many group games and individual games, abstinence from certain food and an auction on 25th September at 6:00 pm – all to gather funds for the missions. All the fathers and brothers had participated in all the programmes whole heartedly. We concluded the mission month programme on 26th September with the Holy Eucharistic celebration presided over by Fr. Tobias Minj.

The real missionary is never being tired of doing good. “The church knows that she is called to proclaim, the men and women of every age, and in every place, the love of the one Father, who in Jesus Christ desires to gather together his children who are scattered abroad (cf. Jn 11:52). Our “Mission for the Mission” theme has been following through our words and deeds. Our mission should go hand in hand, meaning to say, words and deeds should be well balanced as Jesus Christ did in his life time on this earth. Just like him we also should show compassion to different types of people to manifest the love of the Heavenly Father through a genuine friendship, caring for the sick, loving sinners and hating sins, feeding the hungry, drawing near to the outcasts, identifying with the poor and needy, and living the Beatitudes. Let our lives be as authentic as of Jesus, so that our Mission for the Mission becomes fruitful experience to spread the good news.

🖋️ Bro. Xavier Khadiya, Second Year


onamJijo_clement11 September, 2022:-

Onam is not just a festival to cherish, but a moment to reincarnate the past of prosperity and goodness. It is the official state-festival of Kerala. It is celebrated with joy and enthusiasm all over the state by Keralites regardless of religion, caste or creed. This festival is very important for farmers who celebrate this festival for their good harvest.

Onam is celebrated in the beginning of the month of ‘Chingam’, the first month of the Malayalam Calendar (Kollavarsham). Elaborate feasts, folk songs, elegant dances, energetic games, elephants, boats, and flowers - all are part of this dynamic festival.

KPRT family celebrated Onam on 10th September 2022. It has been a very auspicious and colourful occasion for every one of us to celebrate this traditional festival as a community. The celebration began with the Holy Eucharistic celebration. Fr. Francis Scaria, the Rector was the main celebrant. Fr. Melvin enriched us with his homily. He preached about the importance of the festivals in the biblical context. The peak point of the celebration was ‘Sadya’ where a number of special Keralite dishes were served crowning with the special dessert ‘payasam’. We were blessed with the presence of Most Rev. Dr. Durairaj, the Archbishop of Bhopal on the occasion together with a few guests from Bhopal. It was a memorable and fabulous day for each one of us. I personally thank the Almighty, the staff and the students of KPRT family.

Colourful Pookalam, lively songs and delicious feasts marked the day culminating with prayers to have a blessed year ahead till next Onam festival.

🖋️ Bro. Jijo S Clement, First Year

A Big Salute to our Teachers

teachers_daySahaya_Reegan05 September, 2022:-

Dear Friends in Christ Jesus, it is indeed a happy moment for me to visit you all once again with the triple joy of the day. Today our hearts were filled with joy and merriment, as we had the threefold celebrations namely, A) The feast of St. Theresa of Kolkata, B) Teachers’ Day, and C) Inauguration of the Mission Month.

The day began with a positive note of the Morning Prayer and the Holy Eucharist. Rev. Fr. Dr. Francis Scaria, the Rector and Patron of the Mission Month Program, was the main celebrant of the celebration. He meaningfully connected the intentions of the day with the readings and reduced them to the single topic - ‘Mission.’

He, in the homily said that we all share the same mission, the mission of Jesus Christ. The mission of Jesus was experienced and expressed in the form of teaching. Our mission includes teaching. Jesus is a perfect missionary and teacher. Another great example, he added, is St. Theresa of Kolkata, who dedicated herself for the mission and taught us about the true missionary spirit. He also recollected about his own teacher who was the reason for his growth and spoke about the important role that each teacher plays in our life.

We were also blessed to inaugurate the KPRT Mission Month lasting from 05th to 26th September, on the theme “Mission for Mission.” This main theme of the month is supported by the missionary words of St. Theresa of Kolkata, “Helping hands are better than praying lips.” The mission month is anticipated from October to September due to the forthcoming ARA programme. Brothers contributed generously during the offertory and resolved to contribute more for the mission through their prayers and support. The solemn Eucharistic Celebration ended with a note of gratefulness to God and seeking God’s assistance for the successfulness of the mission month.

The Teachers’ Day celebration was held in the Academic Hall from 12 noon to 01.00 p.m. All of us paid tribute to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, on whose birthday we honor the teachers. Rev. Fr. Dr. Jose Joseph SVD was the chief guest for the Programme. The Fathers and Hindi teachers were given gifts as the expression of our gratitude and love as they impart their knowledge to us. Fr. Jose, in his address shared his thoughts on Teachers’ Day. He described the growth and progress that have come about in pedagogy and referred to the struggles faced by teachers in the present day. He said that though teachers may not always be able to set a good examples through their life, yet they inspire and guide us by their sharing of wisdom. The programme came to an end with a thought provoking skit by the first year brothers and vote of thanks. All present were thanked for their support and appreciation for their teachers.

✍ Bro. A. Sahaya Reegan, Second Year Theology

Happy Birthday Bells

antony_birthdayFristo_PaulsonSeptember 03, 2022:-

"Sometimes you will never know the true value of moment until it becomes a memory.”(Nicholasdeflue). Life often changes; chaos some time rages, all events of life are just like a show that has an end. Nothing remains forever, except the memories. I am exuberantly happy to recall the good memories and I would like to highlight some of the events during the birthday celebration of Rev. Fr. Antony Akkanath, the Vice Rector and Dean of Studies. On 3rd September 2022, The KPRT Family was overwhelmed with joy and happiness to celebrate the birthday of Fr. Antony Akkanath. The celebration began with Angelus. Bro.Roshan Damor Presented the Biodata of Fr. Antony Akkanath. The Eucharistic celebration was the peak point of birthday celebration. After the Mass Rev. Rector. Fr. Francis Scaria felicitated and expressed his love and appreciation towards Fr. Antony Akkanath. Second year brothers expressed their love through a melodious wishing song. Fr. Antony Akkanath cut the birthday cake. With breakfast and grand lunch, the celebration came to an end. At the moment nothing more remains in my pen. Once again I wish all the happiness and blessings of this fabulous day.

✍ Bro. Fristo Paulson Chowallur, Second year Theology

Revised Prayer Book

prayer_bookVikash_KujurAugust 23, 2022:-

St. Teresa of Calcutta says "prayer is as necessary as the air, as the blood in our bodies, as anything to keep us alive - to keep us alive to the grace of God." These words of St. Teresa tell us how prayer essential to keep us truly alive.

We are extremely happy that under the guidance of Rev. Fr. Francis Scaria, the Rector of the Seminary, three brothers namely Bro. Prabhat Kumar Kindo, Bro. Surendra Kumre and Bro. Xavier Khadiya have compiled various common prayers which are in English, Hindi and Latin in a book titled "Prayer book". We congratulate and thank these brothers for their hard work in bringing out the revised Prayer Book for the use of the seminary. We are also grateful to Rev. Fr. Simon Mohta who offered his valuable time for the meticulous correction of the entire text.

This revised Prayer Book was published on August 23, 2022. The first copy was given by Rev. Fr. Simon Mohta to Fr. Johnson B. Maria of Gwalior Diocese who is a visiting professor to the Seminary as well as a former student. The prayer book was distributed among the brothers on the same day after the evening prayer. One of the main features of this book is the Prayer of a Seminarian composed by a group of brothers in Khrist Premalaya Theologate. The book also contain the common prayers of the Holy Mass and the Second and Third Eucharistic Prayers in Hindi and English. We are sure that this Prayer Book will be very useful for our daily prayers.

✍ Bro. Vikash Kujur, Fourth Year

The Assumption of Our Lady and the Independence Day

independenceRohit_MinjAugust 15, 2022:-

Dear children of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Citizens of India, we wish you all the twin joy of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the 76th Independence Day of our Nation.

We began the day with the Morning Prayer, offering and praying for the welfare of our nation and the church. It was followed by a solemn Eucharistic Celebration presided over by Rev. Fr. Francis Scaria, the Rector of the Seminary and other Fathers. Fr. Francis Scaria, the main celebrant emphasized the four Dogmas on Mother Mary, namely: 1. Mary the Mother of God, 2. Mary Ever Virgin, 3. The Immaculate Conception of Our Blessed Mother, and 4. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He also explained the stand of the Catholic Church on the Dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary basing on the early Church Tradition that, She was taken up to heaven after her earthly life with body and soul. He also mentioned about Enoch and Elijah, who were taken up to heaven with the Scriptural references. The important role that Mother Mary plays in relation to Jesus and the Church was also elaborated.

After the Eucharistic Celebration, the flag hoisting ceremony followed. The National Flag was hoisted by Fr. Francis Scaria and the National Anthem was sung by all who were present. Bro. Amit Bhuria of Jhabua Diocese delivered the speech on the Significance of the Independence Day. He stressed the role of the freedom fighters and the fight they fought for the nation. He compared the freedom fighters of the past with the present, namely the Soldiers. He also mentioned that in celebrating the Independence Day of our nation, we must never forget the struggles and fights endured by our fore parents and that we must have the same mind of them, so that the celebration may be meaningful in today’s life. The program was concluded paying the respect and reverence to the nation through a patriotic song sung by the second year brothers.

✍Bro. Sahaya Reegan, II Theology

आज़ादी का अमृत महोत्सव - हर घर तिरंगा अभियान

independenceRohit_Minj14 अगस्त 2022:-

जादी का अमृत महोत्सव पूरे भारतवर्ष में खुशी और आनंद के साथ मनाया जा रहा है। हर घर तिरंगा अभियान के तहत सर्वधर्म समिति आष्टा द्वारा खीस्त प्रेमालय रीजनल थेयोलोगेटट सेमिनरी में तिरंगा फहरा कर, उसके वंदन एवं सम्मान कार्यक्रम दिनांक 14 अगस्त 2022 दिन रविवार को आयोजित किया गया था। यह कार्यक्रम सर्वधर्म समिति के अध्यक्षा आदरणीय श्रीमती डॉ मीना सिंगी जी की अगुवाई में आयोजित किया गया था। इस आयोजन में आष्टा नगर की साहित्यिक संस्था, साहित्य शिल्पी के साहित्यकारों को भी आमंत्रित किया गया था। कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत में सर्वधर्म समिति के संरक्षक एवं गुरुकुल आचार्य आदरणीय फादर फ्रांसिस स्करिया ने उपस्थित सभी अतिथियों का स्वागत किया। तत्पश्चात सर्वधर्म समिति के सभी सदस्यों एवं आमंत्रित साहित्यकारों द्वारा तिरंगा झंडा फहराया गया और भारत माता की नारे लगाए गए। ध्वजारोहण के बाद साहित्य शिल्पी के साहित्यकारों द्वारा तिरंगे पर आधारित स्वरचित कविताएं एवं देशभक्ति गाने प्रस्तुत किए गए। सभी साहित्यकारों ने देश प्रेम, राष्ट्रवाद और हर घर तिरंगा अभियान जैसे विषयों पर अपनी प्रस्तुति देकर उपस्थित सभी के मन और हृदय को आनंद से भर दिया। साथ ही साथ देशभक्ति गानों का अलग ही प्रभाव देखने को मिला। इस तरह अंत तक कार्यक्रम उत्साह और खुशी से परिपूर्ण था और स्वल्पाहार के साथ कार्यक्रम संपन्न हुआ।

✍ - ब्रदर रोहित मिंज

St. John Mary Vianney (1786 - 1859) Patron of Priests

vianney_dayPakkiyam AnthonyAugust 05, 2022:-

"If we could comprehend all the Good things contained in Holy Communion, Nothing more would be waiting to content the heart of man… The miser would run no more after his treasures, or the ambitious after glory; each would shake off the dust of the earth, leave the world and fly away towards heaven.” (St. John Mary Vianney)

St. John Mary Vianney was ordained a priest in 1815. Three years later he was made the Parish Priest of Ars, a remote French hamlet, where his reputation as a confessor and director of souls made him known throughout the Christian world. His life was one of extreme mortification.

Accustomed to the most severe austerities, beleaguered by swarms of penitents, and besieged by the devil, this great mystic manifested an imperturbable patience. He was a wonder worker loved by the crowds, but retained a child-like simplicity, and he remains to this day the living image of the priest after heart of Christ.

As a commemoration of the feast day of St. John Mary Vianney on August 4th, the KPRT family graciously began the day with the Holy Mass. The main celebrant was Rev. Fr. Thomas Peringallor, SVD. The rector, Rev. Fr. Francis Scaria, was the co-celebrant of the day. We had a friendly volleyball match, which the fourth- and third-year brothers won. In the evening, the brothers greeted each priest with a bouque. Fr. Jonedius Toppo, the Parish Priest of St. Theresa Church and Fr. Melvin, the Principal of Pushpa Senior Secondary School were also present for the short felicitation programme. The first-year brothers sang a Hindi song to the fathers before cutting the cake. The life of this saint keeps inspiring us. May he intercede for us that we become good and holy priests.

✍ - Pakkiyam Anthony, First Year


Freshers’ day

bp_selvarajAugust 02, 2022:-

You do not have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. We the KPRT family celebrated the Freshers’ Day on 2nd August 2022. We the shining starts of KPRT are very grateful to the loving formators and senior brothers for welcoming us with much care and sincere heart. We also appreciate the hardwork of our senior brothers who made their maximum efforts to make the day colourful. We also celebrated the birthday of our Spiritual Director, Rev. Fr. George Stephen on that day. As humans, our life is our message to the world; we need to make sure that it is inspiring. I am happy to note that the life of Fr. George Stephen is a great inspiration for all of us. The day started with Morning Prayer followed by Holy Eucharistic celebration. During the homily the main celebrant Fr. George clearly spoke about the love of God as he experienced in his own life. The ability to love with purity is founded on our experience of being tenderly loved by God.

In the evening we had the second phase of celebration. We the freshers were traditionally welcomed by our senior brothers with the washing of our hands. Later we had a lively cultural programme. Fr. Robert Nicholas, the chief guest of the day in his message spoke about the need to live our life joyfully and meaningfully. As we performed various cultural programmes, we felt integrated into the KPRT family with love and understanding. We realize that we have a great responsibility towards this seminary. KPRT is our home now and the formators and the senior brothers are our family members. They play a great role in moulding and shaping us and helping us to reach our destiny. Every moment in this seminary brings us novelty. Each incident that we witness gives us immense joy and motivation. May the days ahead enable us to make great progress in our response to the precious call that we have received. Let our spirituality be deepened and reflect in our actions, so that we may strengthen our vocation and prepare ourselves to go out and proclaim the Word of God as the ministers our Christ.

✍ - Jibin Roy, First Year

Bishop Visuvasam Selvaraj at KPRT

bp_selvarajJuly 26, 2022:-The KPRT family was honoured by the gracious presence of Most Rev. Dr. Visuvasam Selvaraj, Bishop of Port Blair on 24th and 25th July, 2022. Although he, as the priest in-charge of Seminarians, had made many visits to the Seminary, this was his maiden visit to Ashta as a bishop. He met his students Bro. Santosh Kumar and Bro. Jaymon Kerketta and spent time with them. On 25th July he offered the Holy Mass at the Seminary chapel for the community. In his homily he exhorted all the seminarians to have clear goals and convictions about their priesthood. He also stressed the expectations of Jesus and the Church from the priests. He challenged them to rise up to their noble vocation which they have received as a free gift from the Lord. He also interacted with the Staff and students and inspired them through his sharing of personal and pastoral experience in Andaman Islands.