Grateful Celebration of the Life of Rev. Fr. George Stephen, Spiritual Director, KPRT

dominico_savioAugust 02, 2024:- george_birthday"May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace" (Numbers 6:24-26). On August 1, 2024, the KPRT Family celebrated the birthday of our Spiritual Director, Rev. Fr. George Stephen. It brought immense joy and happiness to the community. We began with a Holy Eucharist celebration at 6:30 am to make the day memorable. All the community fathers and brothers gathered in front of the Grotto.

The Holy Eucharist was presided over by Rev. Fr. George Stephe, beginning with the traditional hand-washing ritual of the birthday celebrant. Brothers Arul, Rijo, and Parsingh Damor shared a concise biography of Father George, providing deeper insights into his life and ministry. Subsequently, we moved in a procession towards the church for the Holy Eucharist. Rev. Fr. George Stephen led the Eucharistic celebration, delivering a captivating sermon. The service culminated with the Final Blessing, leaving the congregation spiritually enriched.

After the Holy Eucharist, all community members gathered in the refectory for the cake-cutting ceremony. Brother Satish Mohe spoke briefly about the goodness of the Spiritual Director. Rev. Fr. Francis Scaria, the Rector, shared a few words about the birthday celebrant and thanked him for his valuable presence and support to the community. The KPRT family offered, wishes with a song, and the birthday celebrant cut the cake. The Spiritual Sons presented a gift to Rev. Fr. George Stephen.

The celebration concluded with a sense of gratitude, love, and renewed spirit as the KPRT Family came together to honour Rev. Fr. George Stephen on his special day, creating cherished memories that will be treasured forever.

✍ - Bro. Dominic Savio IVD, Third Year Theology

Audio-Visual Media Training Workshop

baskar_broJuly 20, 2024:- media_studyThe KPRT family warmly welcomed Fr. Selvin and his team from Indore to a three-day workshop on Audio-Visual Media Training from July 18 to 20, 2024. The workshop offered a unique opportunity to explore and learn extensively from their expertise. The event commenced with a general introduction, followed by the division of participants into two groups based on their interests—one for audio and the other for video.

I, along with some companions, delved into the world of audio, exploring the audio console and software for audio mixing. Meanwhile, others focused on video-making, capturing moments with the camera, and learning the intricacies of live broadcasting. This hands-on approach made the experience incredibly enriching for everyone involved.

The team members were highly proficient and skilled, demonstrating great patience in teaching us. Each session concluded with a practical experiment, which significantly boosted our confidence and understanding. Their encouraging words and vast knowledge brought new insights each day. In the evenings, we analyzed movies to understand the technology and usage of audio and video, solidifying our learning through practical examples.

The workshop reached another level of excitement with the arrival of Rev. Fr. Anand, the Director of Atmadharsan, along with some team members on the third day. Fr. Anand inspired us with his life experiences and adventures in the media field. His presentation was captivating and kindled our passion for spreading the Word of God through media. The day concluded with a live broadcast of adoration, providing us with a real-time experience guided by the technical team.

As the workshop drew to a close, we expressed our heartfelt gratitude to Fr. Anand and Fr. Selvin for their remarkable training sessions. We also extend our thanks to Fr. Rector and the staff for organizing this impactful workshop.

✍ - Bro. Baskar Mathiyas, Second Year Theology

The First Birthday Celebration of the Formative Year

Roshan_TirkeyJuly 17, 2024:- Suthan_Birthday Every birthday is an occasion to celebrate and to thank God for the gift of life and the blessings we receive from him. 17th July 2024 was a special day for the KPRT family, a day filled with lots of joy and happiness for it was the birthday day of our dear Fr. Arockia Suthan. The preparations for the celebration began already a fortnight ago as the first-year Theology Students began planning and organising all that was needed, beginning with decoration, liturgy and so on.

At the dawn of 17th July, we all gathered in the main chapel for the morning prayer and the celebration of Holy Eucharist. The Thanksgiving mass was celebrated by Reverend Father Arockia Suthan and accompanied by Father Rector and the Staff and IMS Fathers from our neighbourhood. During the Liturgy of the Hours as well during the Holy Mass, special prayers were offered for the wellbeing of Father Arockia Suthan. Afterwards we had a special breakfast in the refectory with joyful birthday greetings.

The day was made colourful by the sports department of KPRT by organising a friendly football match within the community at 4:00 p.m. Later on, having thanked the Lord during the evening prayer we had the climax of the birthday celebration with the cake-cutting and delicious supper. Our joy was doubled by the valuable presence of the special guests from our neighbourhood.

Thus, birthday celebration of father Arockia Suthan came to an end on a happy note. The memory of this day will remain in our hearts to be cherished for a long time.

✍ - Bro. Roshan Tirkey, Second Year Theology

Freshers' Day Celebrations

jikhariya_NayakJuly 13, 2024:- freshers_dayLike every year, this year too our KPRT family arranged a remarkable function to welcome freshers including two resident staff members, Fr. S. Arockia Suthan and Fr. Preetam Vasuniya on July 13, 2024. The event was organized by the Second Year Theology Students and the whole community was present on that day. For this special day, the auditorium was splendidly decorated. Volunteers from the students arranged everything for the function. The stage was decorated with assorted colour papers. The program started with the procession for the Holy Mass from the football ground. Fr. Preetam Vasuniya was the main celebrant. Br. Roshan Tirkey gave a beautiful introduction regarding the life journey in KPRT family. The new comers were given Arati and Tilak. Then we marched towards the chapel for the Eucharistic Celebration. Fr. Arockia Suthan who delivered the homily recollected some of his experiences as a student in the seminary and motivated the student community.

A football match between the new comers and the seniors was organized by the Sports Department. Fr. Francis Scaria, the Rector was the chief guest and other fathers were also invited to witness the match. The match was won by the seniors. It was followed by refreshments. At 6:30 p.m. the KPRT family was gathered in the auditorium for the cultural program. Fr. Melvin C.J. was the chief guest. All the new comers, then, were welcomed one by one by the Second Year Theology students with garlands and saplings.

The first years found their place in the family tree of KPRT. The new comers were also requested to introduce themselves and manifest any one of their talents in an entertaining programme. All the new comers including two fathers performed various programmes like singing, dancing, acting, etc. In the middle of the program, Fr. Melvin, the Chief Guest gave a beautiful speech about the values of priestly life. The Second Year students then entertained the community with a group dance. This dance was so entertaining that everyone present in the hall started laughing and clapping. The program lasted till 8:15 p.m. After that, a sumptuous meal was served in the refectory. It was indeed a great day for all of us.

✍ - Bro. Jikharia Nayak IMS, First Year Theology

New Academic Year Takes off

Masih_DasJuly 8, 2024:- jubilleOn 8th July morning, we gathered in front of the Academic Block for the inaugural Mass of the new academic year, where Rev. Fr. Antony Akkanath welcomed our guests Most Rev. Dr. Thomas Mathew, the Bishop of Indore, Most Rev. Dr. Peter Kharadi, the Bishop of Jhabua, and other Fathers into our KPRT community. He also briefed us about the formation process and the struggles involved it, and encouraged us to face challenges in our formation and in our lives. After that we marched towards the chapel for the Holy Eucharist, presided over by Most Rev. Dr. Thomas Mathew.

After breakfast, at the gathering in the auditorium, Bishop Thomas Mathew declared the new Academic Year 2024-25 open, while Bishop Peter kharadi unveiled the theme of the Jubilee year, "Pilgrims of Hope". Rev. Fr. Preetam Vasuniya welcomed the guests. Rev. Fr. Antony Akkanath presented Academic report of year 2023- 2024.

Lectio Brevis was delivered by Bishop Thomas Mathew on the theme "Pilgrims of Hope". He asserted that hope is that keeps us going in the seemingly hopeless situations. After the presentation, the flour was open for Questions and queries. Thus we were all initiated into the new academic year.

✍ - Bro. Masihdas kujur (Ambikapur Diocese)

The Conferral of the Ministries of Lector and Acolyte

anil_hembromJuly 07, 2024:- Brothers were once again spiritually strengthened and prepared to receive the Ministries of Lector and Acolyte by the nourishment of four and a half days of spiritual food, fed by Rev. Fr. Simon Raj, Diocese of Gwalior.

It was evening at 05:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 7, 2024. The sun was about to set. The weather was quite warm. Brothers were gathered in front of the portico of KPRT. The Most Rev. Peter Rumal Kharadi, Bishop of Jhabua, fathers of KPRT and IMS, and retreat preacher Fr. Simon Raj of the Diocese of Gwalior were at the portico. Bro. Reegan, MC of the day, invited Rev. Fr. Francis Scaria, the Rector of the seminary, to welcome the gathering. He welcomed everybody with his beautiful words and also spoke about the importance of the Ministries of Lector and Acolyte. He welcomed the bishop, appreciating his simplicity and availability, and honored him with a shawl. Fr. Antoy Akkanath, the Vice-Rector of the seminary, welcomed him by giving him a bouquet of flowers. Bishop Peter Rumal Kharadi then honored Mother Mary by garlanding and incensing her statue. Thurifer, cross-bearers, and candle-bearers led the community towards the chapel. They were followed by the brothers who were scheduled to receive the Ministries of Lector and Acolyte, first and fourth year brothers, fathers, and the main celebrant, Bishop Peter Kharadi.

After entering the Church, Bro. Atish Bhumij Munda, IMS, read out a brief explanation of these Ministries, and the Holy Mass proceeded. After the readings, the bishop enriched us with his homily. In his homily, he mentioned the duties of Lectors and Acolytes and the brief histories of these. Rev. Fr. Rector presented the candidates for the Lector to the bishop. They were : Bro. Arvind khalkho ( Raipur Archdiocese), Bro. Basker M. (Bhopal Archdiocese), Bro. Masihdas Kujur (Ambikapur Diocese), Bro. Kishore Babu (Gwalior Diocese), Bro. Prem Tirkey ( Raipur Archdiocese), Bro. Rajesh Ganawa (Jhabua Diocese), Bro. Roshan Tirkey (Jashpur Diocese), Bro. Simon Marko (Indore Diocese), Bro. Suman khalkho (Bhopal Archdiocese), Bro. Tamilarasan Pauldhas (Bhopal Archdiocese), and Bro. Prabeesh Sebastian (Kingston Archdiocese). All of them were given the Ministry of Lector by Most Rev. Peter Rumal Kharadi.

acolyteThereafter, Rev. Fr. Rector presented the candidates for the Acolyte to the bishop. These candidates were: Bro. Abhishek Charpota (Indore Diocese), Bro. Albin Lukose (Khandwa Diocese), Bro. Alexander (Port Blair Diocese), Bro. Amit Bhuriya (Jhabua Diocese), Bro. Amit Soren (Muzaffarpur Diocese), Bro. Anil Hembrom (Muzaffarpur Diocese), Bro. Arockiadas (IVD), Bro. Dominic savio (IVD), Bro. Kapil Dev (Gwalior Diocese), Bro. Manish khariya (Jhabua Diocese), Bro. Pkkiyam Anthony (IVD), Bro. Parsingh Damor (Udaipur Diocese), and Bro. Sudarshan Kommu Paul ( Port Blair Diocese). All of them were conferred the Ministry of Acolyte by Most Rev. Peter Rumal Kharadi. There was also prayer for the faithful, and mass continued. Four newly instituted Acolytes replaced the senior acolytes at the altar and served during the Holy Mass. After the end of the Holy Eucharistic celebration, there was a photo session in the Chapel to keep the memories alive.

Soon after the photo session, there was delicious food served in the seminary’s refectory. Most Rev. Dr. Thomas Mathew, bishop of Indore, and fathers from Ashta parish also had the taste of this delicious meal. I thank the Almighty Father for showering his blessings upon each one of us. I especially thank Most Rev. Peter Rumal Khardi for giving the brothers the Ministries of Lector and Acolyte and for being with us. I also thank Rev. Fr. Rector and members of the staff for arranging the program in a systematic way and all the brothers who joined their cooperative hands. I thank Fr. Tobias and the kitchen staff for preparing the delicious and tasty food. I thank Most Rev. Thomas Mathew, the IMS Fathers, and the fathers from the parish for giving their valuable time to us. Congratulations to the brothers who received the Ministries of Lector and Acolyte.

✍ - Bro. Anil Hembrom (Diocese of Muzaffarpur), Third Year Theology

KPRT's Spiritual and Creative Journey: Blessing of Cassocks and Studio Inauguration

bro_rijoJuly 01, 2024:- blessing_studioOn July 1st, Khrist Premalaya Regional Theologate in Ashta marked two significant events: the Blessing of the Cassocks and the Blessing of the Studio, both led by His Grace Archbishop Sebastian Durairaj.

The Cassock Blessing was a deeply meaningful occasion, as nine first-year seminarians received a special blessing while donning the cassock for the first time. Archbishop Durairaj prayed for God’s guidance and protection over them as they embark on their journey toward the altar of God. In his address, he reminded the seminarians that the cassock is not merely a garment but a profound symbol of their commitment to serving God and the Church.

Following this solemn ceremony, the KPRT community moved to the newly established audio-visual studio for its blessing. Archbishop Durairaj prayed for God’s inspiration and guidance for all who will utilize the studio to spread the Good News. He emphasized the importance of embracing technology as a means of evangelization, using it to deepen faith and share the Gospel with the world.

Archbishop Durairaj's visit was a moment of great significance for the theologate. His words served as a powerful encouragement to the seminarians and staff, urging them to continue their dedicated service to the Lord and the Church. These events underscored the institution's unwavering commitment to the formation of future priests and its mission to serve the community through faith, education, and technology.

The ceremonies concluded with a profound sense of gratitude and spiritual renewal. The entire community expressed their heartfelt thanks to Archbishop Durairaj for his presence and blessings. These events will be cherished as a special milestone in the institution's history, inspiring continued growth and devotion in the service of God.

✍ - Bro. Rijo Benedict, First Year Theology

The Commencement of the New Formative Year

Masih_DasJuly 01, 2024:- studioAfter return of the brothers on June 30, 2024, the campus is once again filled with great zeal and enthusiasm. This year 9 new brothers joined KPRT as 1st year students of Theology for the year 2024- 2025. An Orientation Program was held on 1st July for the 1st year brothers in which the staff members introduced the formation and academic programmes of the seminary to them. They also helped them to get acquainted with campus, buildings and surroundings, while other brothers made the campus ready for the new academic year 2024.

On 2nd July in the morning we gathered in the academic block where 8 of the 9 new brothers received their cassocks Namely - Bro Ashwin Baxla (Ambikapur Diocese), Bro. Francis Meda (Jhabua Diocese), Bro. Manish Baskey ( Muzaffarpur Diocese), Bro. Rakesh Barela ( Khandwa Diocese), Bro Rijo Benedict (Indore Diocese), Bro. Sunil Kharte (Khandwa Diocese), Bro. Tinku Kumar (Gwalior Diocese), and Bro. Vishal Sulya (Khandwa Diocese). Bro. Jikhariya Nayak (IMS) had already received his cassock. After the blessing of the Cassock, our new Audio-Video Studio was inaugurated and blessed by His Grace Most. Rev. Dr. A.A.A. S Durairaj, after which we proceeded towards the chapel in procession for the Holy Eucharistic celebration. The Archbishop exhorted the community to launch into the new Formative Year with great enthusiasm and determination.

From 2nd July evening to 7 July noon, we had the annual-retreat, preached by Rev. Fr. Simon Raj from Gwalior Diocese. He inspired us through the preaching of the Word of God making use many signs and symbols. In his preaching, he emphasized the need for the purity of the heart and soul.

✍ - Bro. Masihdas kujur (Ambikapur Diocese)