Antoniraj“The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the most precious gift that Jesus gave to his Mother.” She received this Precious gift because of her faith which she expressed in her “Fiat”.

She surrendered her Heart to the Lord!

She submitted her will to the Lord!

She offered her Intellect to the Lor!d

Thus she was able to say, “Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to Thy word” (Lk. 1:38). She said indirectly that I believe in the Lord who made Heaven and Earth. Blessed is she who represented the Humanity. It’s because of her faith in the Lord that the world is redeemed through the bearing of the son Jesus in her womb. When she said ‘yes’ to the Lord she was free from all types of vices and sins. She enjoyed Freedom from within. The assumption of Mary into the Heavenly Glory with the body and soul is therefore a pledge and symbol of Human’s liberation from sin and death.

Every Catholic or Christian in India is privileged to have a double celebration on August 15th every year. We, as Christians of India, are celebrating today not only the Feast of assumption of our Blessed Mother, a feast of our own liberation from sin and death, but also the day of liberation of our dear country from foreign rule.

With the Freedom, our nation has grown up in various areas of development like, Infrastructure, Use of Natural Resources, Education, Medicine, Military Power, Science, Sports and so forth. At the same time we must not fail to look at the other side of the life. We are certainly free from slavery (from British Rule); at the same time we are holding on to some kinds of slavery. We will be fully free when we detach ourselves from all kinds of slavery. It may be our own inner slavery. Lots of evil has crept into the society; such as greed, poverty, selfishness, consumerism, violence, abuse and corruption. Our country will be more peaceful when every individual frees his own life from every kind of slavery. It is said, “Be the Change you wish to see in the World”.

When “freedom from within” is achieved the environment and surroundings will vibrate peace. Let us seek the Guidance and protection of our Blessed Virgin Mary who is the Mother and Queen of India.

Hail Holy Queen, Pray for us!

Jai Hind, Bharat Mata Ki Jai…Vande Mataram.

Bro. Antoniraj, Third Year