Aims and Objectives

1. Khrist Premalaya Regional Theologate aims to form suitable priests for the Ecclesiastical Province of Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh without, however, limiting its scope to offer its services to other dioceses and institutes of consecrated life in India.

2. It aims to equip future priests and leaders with the ability to offer Christian ministry, in a society consisting dominantly of people of other faiths, amidst those who live in the poverty and deprivation of villages and in the squalor of the fringes of cities and in a socio-political environment, which is closed to and even reactionary and inimical towards Christian Mission.

3. Preferential option for and solidarity with the poor, proficiency in the vernacular and inculturation shall be the triad along which the formation programme is to be oriented. The structures of the seminary, its life-style and the persistent exposure of the students to the surrounding society are to be constant expressions as well as reminders of these goals.

4. Action-Reflection-Action shall be the formation strategy used in the seminary. Employing this method, the seminary will endeavour to form priests and leaders who will be spiritually mature, intellectually competent, affectively wholesome, and socially involved with a missionary enthusiasm and pastoral proficiency adapted to the needs of the area in which their ministry is to be exercised.

Therefore, KPRT moulds future priests and leaders with the capacity to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to believers of other faiths, to express solidarity with the rural and urban poor, and to live and relate with all in the challenging adverse social-political situations.