As far as possible the curriculum of studies is adapted to suit the kind of village programme detailed above. Thus for the course-lectures a morning schedule of four or five periods per day (Monday to Friday) is generally followed. This arrangement gives ample time for the said village action and for personal study as well. Classroom lectures are given by a proper methodology so as to enable the students to theologize concretely as a result of interaction between action and reflection.

A. Curriculum of Studies

Since we are inheritors of both Judaeo-Christian and Indian traditions our theologizing task in India consists in a process of interaction between the present life context and the religious heritage handed down to us. Taking account of this fact, the curriculum includes not only the usual subjects of Christian theology, but also others pertaining to other religions, most important in India. Wherever feasible, in Liturgy, Church History, Canon Law etc., the subjects are taught to all the students both from the Eastern and Western viewpoints.

B. Syllabus of the Academic Programme

At present the academic programme is designed to be completed over a period of eight terms (four years), including the pastoral courses.

The courses are grouped as obligatory and elective, with one credit each for a course of about 15 lectures. A total of 160 credits are allotted for the obligatory courses and four for the electives.

Every year one to two electives may be chosen by students so as to obtain the required four credits at the end of the third year. Moreover, every year there will be one or two seminars for all the students.

C. Class Attendance

 A student unable to attend a lecture(s) on a particular day(s) for a good reason should get an exemption from the Dean of Studies in person or in exceptional cases through the class prefects.

 If a student does not attend at least one-third of a course, he will be required to repeat the course. However, the Dean of Studies in consultation with the Professor may decide to ask the student to do some written assignments to compensate for his absence from the class.

D. Examination and Evaluation

1. General Norms

 Any student who does not pass in the examination should appear for a re-examination. However, the student cannot appear for more than two re-examinations. A third re-examination may be possible only with the explicit permission of the Dean of Studies.

 Failure in five subjects in the first attempt will necessitate the repeating of the entire year of theology.

2. Examination Sessions

The ordinary sessions of examinations are at the end of each semester. However, the Dean of Studies may grant permission to hold special examination sessions for the courses offered by visiting professors or for short courses conducted by the resident staff.

3. Methods of Examination

The Professors may employ any of the following methods to assess a student:

 An oral examination lasting 15 minutes for a 3 credits course, 10 minutes for a 2 credits course and 7 minutes for one credit course.

 A written examination of 3 hours for a 3 credits’ course, 2 hours for a 2 credits’ course and 1 hour for one credit course.

 The Professor may also decide to give a certain percentage (max 30%) for internal assessment/written assignment and the rest for either oral or written examination. However, the professor is expected to explain the mode of examination and the type of internal assessment at the beginning of the course.

4. Grading

96-100 - Summa cum laude (Excellent)

90-95.99 - Magna cum laude (Distinction/Very good)

80-89.99 - Cum laude probatus (First Division/Good)

70-79.99 - Bene probatus (Second Division/Satisfactory)

60-69.99 - Probatus (Third Division/Pass)

E. Bachelor of Theology Degree

1. Terms and Conditions for Qualification

 Those who have passed all the examinations conducted during the first three years of theology in the first attempt qualify for the B.Th. examinations.

 One who failed in three subjects during the three years but has obtained an overall average of 75% also qualifies for the B.Th. examination. In assessing this average the reexamination mark would be counted.

 All those who are qualified for the B.Th. examinations are obliged to appear for the examination unless a written permission of exemption is obtained from their respective ordinaries/superiors.

2. The B.Th. Syllabus

The Syllabus for the B.Th. examinations would be the theses sent by the Pontifical Urbaniana University, Rome. To guide the students and to focus on the preparation, the Seminary will formulate specific questions based on the theses and these will be given to the students at the beginning of the fourth year itself. The examinations will be based on those questions.

3. B.Th. Paper

The B.Th. candidates are also required to write a short thesis of about 50 pages on a relevant subject under a moderator. For the choice of the moderator, the students will express their first and second preferences. Having consulted the resident teaching staff, the Dean will then assign to each student a moderator considering the preferences of the students as well as the number of students writing thesis with a moderator.

The first draft of the complete thesis is to be submitted to the respective moderator on the date prescribed for it in the Seminary calendar. This presupposes that prior to that date the students had already submitted the individual chapters and had them corrected by the respective moderator. It is obligatory to submit the thesis in its final form on the date prescribed in the calendar. Those who fail to do so will not be considered eligible to appear for the faculty examination.

4. The B.Th. Examinations

The B.Th. Examinations consist of a written and an oral examination. The written examination will be conducted on a date resolved by the Dean. It will last for six hours as prescribed by the Urbanania University in Rome. The papers, corrected by the professors, will be sent to Rome with both the marks allotted and the observations made by the professors who corrected them.

In addition to the written examination the candidates are required to give an oral examination of 45 minutes before three panels of professors appointed by the Seminary.

Those who fail in the B.Th. examinations may reappear in the following year with the permission of the Rector and the Dean.

F. Diploma in Theology

1. Terms and Conditions

 All those who do not qualify for the B.Th. examinations but have successfully completed the four years of theology are eligible for the Diploma in theology.

 It is obligatory for those who do not qualify for or fail in the B.Th. examinations to appear for the Diploma examination.

 Prior to the Diploma examination the students should have already passed in all the subjects as required by the seminary curriculum at least through reexaminations.

2. Syllabus

The Syllabus for the Diploma examination would be the theses sent by the Pontifical Urbaniana University, Rome every three years. To guide the students to focus on the preparation the Seminary will formulate specific questions based on the theses and these will be given to the students at the beginning of the fourth year itself.

3. Paper

As part of the requirement for the completion of Diploma in Theology, the students are expected to write a short thesis of about 30 pages on a relevant subject under a moderator. As for the choiceof the moderator, submission of the draft and completion of the paper, the same rules of B.Th. thesis apply.

4. Diploma Examination

The Diploma Examination consists of an oral examination of 30 minutes before a panel of professors appointed by the Seminary.

Those who fail in the Diploma examination should re-appear for the subject for which they fail. The reexamination shall be arranged in consultation with the respective professors and the Dean.

G. Ad Audiendas (Faculty Examination)

The faculty examination will be held usually in the third week of March for the third year students. The duration of the examination is 30 minutes before a panel of two examiners.

Any student who fails to pass in the examination will have to repeat it after suitable preparation.

H. BTh Certificates and Diploma in Theology

Rupees five hundred (Rs. 500/-) will be charged from all those who obtain Bachelor of Theology or Diploma in Theology certificates issued by the seminary. A fee of Rs. 5000.00 (rupees Five thousand only) will be charged from those who would be obtaining the degree from the Pontifical Urbaniana University, Rome.